Sunday, September 29, 2019

The horse is not dead, it is still kicking; it is the voters of two towns,
Interesting numbers; DESE aid = $10,861,995.00 +$800,000.00 (from E&D + Medicaid) + already voted amounts from two towns - $6,491.000.00 (Templeton $1,654,000.00 (Phillipston. Together that comes to $19,806,000.00 (I rounded off towns assessments) If Templeton were to give the extra $487,000.00 that would equate to the school getting $20,293,995.00.
As it stands after the district meeting vote, the school would be getting more than they are seeking, ($19.7 million)
Take the 19.5 million and let us all know how much you actually ended up with.
Just for kicks, the school shows on the spread sheet they distributed at the meeting that thy received $365,000.00 in transportation reimbursement for FY2019. DESE has already released the actual on transportation for FY2019; it is $433,485.00. That was posted a couple weeks back, so again, why is the meeting not presented with up to date dollar figures? Stop telling me to F my self and give me good current numbers, not much to ask for.

1 comment:

  1. It seems the only person we can depend on for "Good numbers" is you ! What is wrong with that ? Everything ! This School Committee had better clean up their act ! Fast !
