Sunday, September 29, 2019

If you wish to hear how some on the school committee feels about voting against their request; go to youtube for the September 25, 2019 district meeting and fast forward to 51 minutes into meeting, as the moderator states "your consistent", listen very closely (I listened several times) you will hear a member of the school committee state "F&ck em all" and you should know or realize whom that voice belongs to. One thing to think that, but to actually state that into a microphone concerning how people are voting, well that pretty much sums things up.

Ms. Hughes posted an apology for the words and stated it was frustration; I listened over and over and it does not sound like frustration to me, it comes off as smug, matter of fact. 
Of course, it was a hot mic.

1 comment:

  1. Initially I tried to defend this lerson, seeing how emotional the meeting was getting. I was wrong. This person was just plain angry ! Angry that the School Committee was not going to get their way. The fact that people did not bend apparently got the best of this person. This is a democracy. How the rule got changed from one no should turn into a yes if it is presented enough times is beyond me. As angry as people are at this person's behavior, and the dismissal of their vote, I sure hope the School Department is wise enough to take their money and run ! Just saying !
