Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Looking at the weekly Town Administrator report from last week;

Police - nothing to report
Fire Department - nothing to report

Apparently, not much going on in Town.

Regarding the three burned out homes, spoke with the Health Agent back in June, one home in Baldwinville, the homeowner apparently did not have insurance, one home on Sawyer Street is apparently owned by 2 people, who are not together anymore, so this is a bit complicated on getting 2 parties to settle, short of going to court I suppose. The other one is again, been burned out for a while.

Thinking those three things through, Town takes home owners to court (costs money) they are instructed by court to fix, tear down, etc. parties inform court they do not have insurance, cannot afford to do it, etc., does tabman recommend the Town spend money on those properties. What is tabman's solution? So, the Templeton Health agent seems to be aware of the issues and trying to come up with a solution, as far as I know.

One thing that has happened is the big rock that was on the common near Historical building is gone.

1 comment:

  1. I know the city of Gardner has used grant funding to tear down dilapidated buildings.
