Thursday, March 28, 2019

With respect to this request which triggered this discussion, you may consider it withdrawn.  We will go back to ground zero and balcony the risks of unperformed tasks and closure at this time versus the risks of unperformed tasks and closure post ATM if we are not able to get a backfill at that meeting.  We will advise all on 04/03 of our course of action.
With respect to future requests, my memo laid out a discussion of the wide and varying views that different Towns take of how to view requests for transfers.  In fact the DOR guidance specifically stated that “Finance committees should adopt their own guidelines to supplement the state statute and provide other town officials with a better understanding of the circumstances under which the committee is likely to use the reserve fund.”  I would urge the AC to develop just such a policy as I firmly believe a better understanding of the full rules of the would be helpful to all.

Finally, I can assure you that this request was not the result of poor budget planning or “… an end around Town Meeting for poor budgeting… “.  On behalf of the Town Staff, let me assure you that your Town staff does not take unscheduled medical leave mid-year without ample justification and does so reluctantly preferring to be on their job serving the community.

Many Thanks

Carter Terenzini
Town Administrator

Note to Mr. Terenzini:

Templeton Reserve fund policy sent to you and all department heads back in 2016!

in part, the policy reads:

Policy on Reserve Fund Transfers
Purpose: The purpose of this policy statement is to identify the criteria the Advisory Committee will use to rule on requests for transfers from the Emergency Reserve Fund. The creation and use of the Reserve Fund is governed by Chapter 40, Section 6 of the Massachusetts General Laws.
The Reserve Fund is a sum of money appropriated at Town Meeting to be used at the discretion of the Advisory Committee to cover “extraordinary or unforeseen expenditures” that arise during the year. This means that if the Advisory Committee does not feel that a request is sufficiently unforeseen or extraordinary as defined below, it is not eligible for a Reserve Fund transfer.
Extraordinary: A) Beyond what is usual, ordinary, regular, or established; a cost not arising from normal activities in the course of business. B) Exceptional in character, amount, extent, degree, etc.; noteworthy, remarkable
Unforeseen: unexpected, unanticipated; not able to be predicted at the time the budget was set.
• The Advisory Committee requests that it be alerted when a board or department believes that a developing situation may necessitate a Reserve Fund transfer, especially for large amounts. This will help the Advisory Committee to forecast overall needs, ensure funds are available for the most critical needs, and advise boards and departments in advance whether the Reserve Funds may or may not be available.
• A representative of the requesting organization should plan to be present at the meeting to defend and explain the request. This will ensure that questions from the Advisory Committee can be answered and prevent a denial or delay of approval. If being present is a hardship, please contact a member of the Advisory Committee to try and answer any questions in advance.

Perhaps a monthly review of the Town's expenditure report at a meeting of the board of selectmen could result in such notice, where all things could be considered, including whether a transfer request could wait until May 1, where an end of year transfer could be used rather than a reserve fund request. Either way, how does someone who is charged with oversight of the day to day operations of the Town not be aware of such a policy? With the "building" of the new town website, such policy will be posted under the Advisory Committee.

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