Thursday, March 28, 2019

Is this good management of taxpayer dollars?
Templeton selectmen propose to use ambulance receipts to fund general fund budget, while they propose to lease an ambulance to include estimated $32,000.00 in interest. Under the capital plan, ambulance purchase price quoted is $297,000.00, so fire chief asks for $300,000.00 while the T/A suggests $315,000.00. Draft warrant proposes 5 year lease at $56,000.00 for five years = $280,000.00 and also asks for additional $70,000 so as to keep purchase lease amount as presented. Added together, that is $350,000.00, so when asked why so much extra money for ambulance, borrowing costs / interest of $32,000.00. So, February expenditure report shows $250,000.00 in ambulance receipts, now if $50,000.00 from free cash was added to that 250K, ambulance purchased outright, town does not spend $32,000.00 on borrowing costs and that $32,000.00 is $10,000.00 less than the capital plan dollar figure of $42,000.00 for a new suv police cruiser. The extra 10K needed is right there from the proposed $70,000.00 in draft warrant article #33. Ambulance bought out right, new police cruiser with $10,000.00 left over.
I can hear the selectmen response; "we need that ambulance receipts money to balance the general fund budget"
I look at the fiscal year 2018 end of year report and see $595,784.17 left over from expenses. That money rolls over to so called certified free cash, so perhaps there is a little padding going on regarding expense appropriations? If the same happens in fiscal year 2019, then total expense appropriations require a hard look as that is simply too much left over from expenses that are sold as very tight.

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