Saturday, August 11, 2018

Templeton general Town by-laws:

Article XVI – Regulation of Driveways Section 1. No person shall build or rebuild a driveway at a point where such driveway enters onto any Town Way without first obtaining permission from the Highway Superintendent who shall grant such permission and may specify the requirements for said building or rebuilding of such driveway at the point where it enters a Town Way.
Passed 3-11-67, Approved by A/G 4-3-67

from Town website under Highway department:

Driveway Permits:
As noted in the Town By-Law, Article XVI-Regulation of Driveways: "No person shall build or rebuild a driveway at a point where such driveway enters onto any Town Way without first obtaining permission from the Highway Superintendent who shall grant such permission and may specify the requirements for said building or rebuilding of such driveway at the point where it enters a Town Way."
Driveway Permits must be obtained from the Highway Department prior to the start of any work. A permit fee of $75.00 will be charged.

Prior to the start of ANY work:

August 9, 2018

via email:

Dear Mr. May

This is in response to your concern on the driveway at #7 S. Main St. I looked into the history of the changes made and it was previously approved by Alan Mayo, the former highway director. He approved the removal of the material because the home owner had a sink hole that was large and the tires of the family vehicles were getting damaged.

I also looked that requirement for a driveway permit. The permit is required when a driveway apron is added. This residence removed materials but has not had a driveway apron added to date. When the contractor is hired to finish the driveway a permit will be required and generally it is the responsibility of the contractor to pull a permit.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. As of right now there is no violation.


Mark S. Shea,
DPW Director

Apparently the by-law and permit process of ANY work does not apply; one can remove a driveway apron, curbing and hot top, at will, without a permit. One can also put in a driveway with hot top without a permit, as long as you do not put in a driveway apron. Good to know, I can cut the curb at any place and time and then use that as an entrance for a drive way without a permit or permission of anyone, as long as I do not add a driveway apron, got it!


  1. I sent this on July 27th. Not sure if Mark thinks his note satisfies my request or if they just decided not to bother. I know Pam was working on it, but things apparently have, well, been adapted.

    -----Original Message-----
    From: robert may []
    Sent: Friday, July 27, 2018 2:02 PM
    Subject: [Templeton MA] Driveway permit


    Someone has sent you a message using your contact form on the Templeton MA

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    Hello Pam,

    I'm making a FOIA request for a copy of the permit and approvals for the
    driveway at 7 S. Main st. It used to be on the right but was ripped up and
    now they are just parking all over the front driving over the curb the entire
    length of the property. No regrind or anything between the road surface and
    the lawn.
    They park the vehicles 4 or 5 wide in the front yard and effectively have no
    driveway at all. I cannot imagine this was approved or even permitted.

    Thank you for your assistance
    Robert May


    Message sent by: robert may (


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  2. After this rain, how much of what was the lawn is running down the road ? Different rules, or none at all, for some people ! Ironic, isn't it !
