Saturday, July 28, 2018

Annual Town Meeting May 2016

A substitute motion was duly made and seconded that Article 1 Report of Town Offices, Reports of Town Committees and the Revolving Funds be split into parts as follows:
1A-Reports of Tow Officers
1B-Reports of Town Committees
1C-Revovling Funds and voted individually

A motion was duly made and seconded to move the substitute motion. Passed Unanimously/May 14th @ 9:18am

On the substitute motion to separate Article 1 Passed/May 14th @ 9:19am

1A. A motion was duly made and seconded to have the Town Report accepted as is but to have the Board of Selectmen be authorized to add an addendum to report at a later date.
A motion was duly made and seconded to move the question.
Passed Unanimously/May 14th @ 9:41am
On the 1A motion. Defeated/May 14th @ 9:42am
So, since Town Meeting voted to not accept the Town Report of FY 2015, why is it posted on Templeton Town website as is? Did the selectmen not understand the question or the vote?

There was and has not been since, town employee salaries included in the annual town report (as in all employees) That was one of the issues with the report.

Selectmen had a financial addendum printed anyways.

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