Monday, March 12, 2018

Rehoboth,MA - population list as 11,600 per 2010 census.

The Town lists a Town Administrator, assistant T/A and executive assistant.

Duties & Responsibilities

The Finance Committee is responsible for production of the annual operating budget of the Town, presented to the Town residents as Article 2 on the Annual Town Meeting warrant. In addition, the Finance Committee supplies a recommendation to the Town residents on any article which requires an appropriate of funds and a source of funds if the article is approved. Finally, the Finance Committee oversees the Town's Reserve Fund, which is used to pay extraordinary and unanticipated expenses during the Fiscal Year.


  1. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Rehoboth- board of selectmen final say on warrant. - Finance board - appointed not elected representatives.

  2. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Anom: You can't read very well. their BOS approve warrant articles just the way Templeton BOS does. so your statement is wrong. you must be one of our management people because that is what they are always saying

    1. Anonymous11:57 AM

      Anonymous 11:28 AM You, fail to use capitals letters when starting a sentence.

  3. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Final say is they sign off on the budget correct ? Or no I’m sorry no disrespect intended.
    Then it goes to town meeting for a vote in front of the town yea or nay correct ?

  4. Oh boy I have wanted to comment a few times here but I haven’t. It is clear to me this Town needs help and lots of it in the way of education scholastic, civic and civility.

    1. Anonymous5:40 PM

      Then offer something besides judgement.

    2. There are plenty of openings on the town web site for residents needed to volunteer on different boards. Please feel free to inquire.
