Friday, March 23, 2018

Perhaps the educators should promote and encourage student walkouts and protests over the issue of lacking state funding on transportation costs. Perhaps invite and introduce students to the state representative and Senator who are elected by the Towns they live in and have the kids ask, where is the money? The school district could plan an open meeting with the kids and legislators and line up the elementary children to recite the pledge of allegiance to start things off.

Since school districts are already being short changed by the state legislature when it comes to transportation funding, what is there to lose? Simply talking about it has changed nothing, perhaps it is time for a different approach.

I believe everyone is up for re-election in 2018, state Representatives and state Senators.


  1. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Good idea. Line 'em up for state funding! Unfortunately, this is not as big an issue to those admins, faculty, and parents.

  2. Did anyone here address these concerns in an open meeting ? I would very much like to not just read “your” posts here but actually see video and transcripts.
    Although, if not this “ forum “ directed at the “ general public “ is sufficient .
