Sunday, March 18, 2018

Community Preservation Act and the funds that come with it.

Again, this may seem one of those things that we could do without or do better with it, as one recent comment suggested -

Anonymous2:12 PM
Here's a ready source of money for the general fund - convert CPA taxes to an override.

Ask for a new town meeting vote to eliminate the CPA tax. The ask for an override in the exact same amount.

CPA was a nice idea, but can Templeton spend that money better? Yes, it could be spent on general government services, which are the town's reason for being.

The state has gradually reduced the match. FY2018 resulted in the lowest match to date.

Thoughts on this??
First, I see a loss of the matching state funds, whatever dollar figure that may be. I consider what the CPA may be used for and one item is recreation, passive or active.

“Recreational use”, active or passive recreational use including, but not limited to, the use of land for community gardens, trails, and noncommercial youth and adult sports, and the use of land as a park, playground or athletic field. “Recreational use” shall not include horse or dog racing or the use of land for a stadium, gymnasium or similar structure.
Perhaps the Town, by way of some open forums could come to some sort of consensus (not here) on whether they wish to have these items available and paid for by tax dollars. Probably not an easy task, but perhaps one to be considered. Remember, there is a skate park fund with at least a couple thousand dollars of donated money sitting on the Town's books, what is to become of those monies? The Town owns 20 something acres of and off of Wellington Road - across from the new school. There is no access from the road to this property that I know of. Perhaps some kind of agreement with a land owner could help with that. I think, it could be of value to the kids in grade school, 1 -5 to go out and see nature, perhaps gain interest in science or something. Or just be a little kid and have fun at recess, if they still have that. By the way, alot of that town land is wet, very wet sometimes.
Genera government services: sometimes I cringe when I see or hear that; here is why - I walk into Town Hall, there is an accountant, an assistant to the accountant, a town clerk, an assistant to the clerk, a deputy assessor and an assistant to the deputy assessor and so on. The "government" has gotten bigger and cost more, but has the service improved enough to justify the increase in cost? Yes, an office will be open when the main person is off for whatever reason, such as vacation of illness or school, meetings etc. The question is, could/would the service function, as in complete it's reason for being, whether the office was closed on occasion for any of the above mentioned issues. Yes, having an assistant makes ones job easier, is that the responsibility of the taxpayer? There is always the efficiency issue and the office is always open for the ease of the taxpayer, etc. 

At one time, taxpayers paid health insurance for elected positions, it was eliminated while saving at the time, around 80 thousand dollars per year. Some resigned when the insurance was stopped. Then, came elected position pay, cut and saving at the time, around 60 thousand dollars, still, people run for office.

Back to CPA, perhaps before we decide to change it, we have some true open discussion on the matter, while remembering, town meeting does not have to vote for every item brought before them by way of CPA funds/projects. Perhaps this would be a subject/topic for the planned open forum scheduled and perhaps a member of the community preservation committee can attend to try and answer some of these things.


  1. "A drowning man will grab any lifeline, whether it's a good one or not," Unknown

  2. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Sometimes it's better to do without matching funds. Does anyone doubt that, given a choice, folks would spend money for new windows on an old building that has no useful purpose? Over, say, maintaining police coverage?

    1. I’m still waiting to see if anyone gets called out for telling someone to go F themselves on this here “ blog “ of Templetons best and brightest . If that’s acceptable language I will now know the parameters.

  3. Using that theory - why fix up any “ old building that has no useful purpose “ ?

  4. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Now you're catching on 941. Begging for money to save Scout Hall from being returned to the tax rolls is another lame idea. Sell the building, already! It has some value, be it as a building or as a lot to put some business.

    1. Anonymous7:40 PM

      I agree. Cannot fix up - what if no one wants it ? Now another wasted expensive thing to maintain

  5. I know its a little, left hand, right hand stuff, but I think we could have a discussion about Libraries.
    It is my understanding that we have a Library at Narragansett. It is also my understanding that we have no librarian in that facility. Is there a Library being built into the new Elementary school? Templeton has a Library, Librarian in a historical building that we are about to spend thousands on.

    I'm thinking just maybe that someone smarter than I could figure out a way to consolidate these issues to one functioning staffed Library accessible to the children who use it.

    Regarding the Scout Hall. What is the hoped for result? What taxpayer benefit will be obtained from the completion of this project?
    It does seem that many in town want to preserve everything based solely on its age. Why should we as taxpayers want to be the owners of old property requiring constant repair at prevailing wage rates when we can return it to the tax rolls.

  6. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Just a reminder that our present Town Hall would not be if it were not for use of CPC funds sought by a past Advisory Committee Chairman that lead the way to having the first Town Hall for this Town. You asked what your AC has done this is one of them

    1. Very appropriate expenditure.

    2. Anonymous4:11 PM

      According to you Bob , not me ! That’s a waste of money ! Just like scout hall - taking my tax dollars to support that is not right !

    3. What town taxpayer benefit is it? I asked what the end game is didn't I? Please stop misquoting me. I never said it WAS a waste of money unless we are doing it only because of its age. Are you saying the only reason we are updating it is based on age not use?

    4. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Bob, you said “ . Why should we as taxpayers want to be the owners of old property requiring constant repair at prevailing wage rates when we can return it to the tax rolls“ my point is TAXPAYERS money is not needed to fix up a building that should have been sold as is !! Why use my money to fix up anything ? That’s not NEEDED!! ?!

  7. Anonymous1:56 PM

    That's true, and it was the best use of that tax money.

    But now, we need a general override to fund the regular government function. I don't see new windows for grange as a must have. I didn't see crown molding for a private home as a good spend. It's limited as to what it can be spent on. So sometimes it can get wasted.

  8. Anonymous4:14 PM

    In agreement anon about meals on wheels take them away - not needed - family should do it or private biz . !

  9. Anonymous4:18 PM

    No money for any dept to attend meetings either that are out of town!!!!

  10. Anonymous4:19 PM

    I’m want all private functions to reimburse the town any money !! Or don’t have them !

    1. I agree 100% with this concept.

    2. Anonymous6:22 PM

      Bob which one of my comments?

    3. This one..........I’m want all private functions to reimburse the town any money !! Or don’t have them !

    4. Anonymous6:33 PM

      What about meals ! That’s a waste !! Cut it all out can’t afford it !! Close the Building down ! Not needed no one goes ans if they want it open let them find the money !!

  11. Anonymous4:23 PM

    That override for the ambulance is NOT needed period ! Call a ambulance and guess what they show up ! They have stuff on it to help someone out ! People are stupid !

    1. One thing about o our Town Library ! People of all ages use this building, not just the kids. Go over when it is open and see for your self. If it goes, can the adults use the library in the school ? Don't get on it ! As for Scout Hall, yes a charming building with no parTiculaRly lot of it's own ! Now, the real problem is when this resurrection was proposed, why didn't our TA enlighten these people that there was no way to find a project and maintain a building due to funding ? That is my question ? Carter knew last year that the budget was not sustainable for the next fiscal year ! am am not throwing stones at one of my favorite people, for I understand his good intentions. Someone should have put the breaks on before they decided that selling shirts would float the boat with a hole in it! You can't make this stuff up ! Bev.

    2. Anonymous5:32 PM

      Blame that angry Selectman Richards for this waste of the CPC money on a loser project that was her idea. She is so scary that no one dares to tell her No, well except Bud and look where that got him. .

    3. Anonymous6:23 PM

      So Bev why do we need a library in town ? Let them go to Gardner !

    4. Templeton has been through the Library issue before. If the Town fails to budget for its public library, Templeton residents can NOT borrow materials from Gardner or any other public library .

      Look at Hubbardston a few years back. They lost their library certification and it took about three years to get it back. during those three years, the residents of Hubbardston were limited to their town library’s collection.

      J. Farrell

    5. Anonymous10:39 AM

      That’s what the internet is for Ms Farrell. Let “them” perhaps go to a college or coffee shop to use free WiFi . I would suspect that’s why other school districts .....:. Fully support a library , librarian and a librarians assistant. But who can say really ?

  12. The ambulance went up the road to take care of an elderly man! The longest time went buy, but the ambulance did not head back to town ? The next thing I knew, another ambulance went up the road ? Putting two and two together, I figure the man needed ALS, so now we have two ambulances and eventually they all left. So how much do you venture we got paid for that trip ?

    1. Anonymous6:30 PM

      See ! Don’t need ALS ! It’s a scam

  13. This is what it states on the Scout Hall re-use Committee webpage:

    "The Scout Hall Re-Use Committee was created to oversee the renovation of the building that was the original East Templeton Schoolhouse. It has been known for many years as Scout Hall and was used for Scout meetings before it was used by the Town's Council on Aging for several years. The Council on Aging moved out of Scout Hall in 2015 and it has been empty since. The members of the committee were able to get funding from the Community Preservation Committee to do some renovations and make the building a center to be used for community and possibly a visitor's center. They are hoping to have the building open before Christmas."

    A community or visitors center..........Parking, Staffing, heating, maintenance to direct all the Tourist to Templeton. Doesn't seem like a priority compared to lets say, a firetruck.

    1. Anonymous7:08 PM

      I agree some projects are good like the town hall . Some not so much . People need to study it first and weigh all sides.

    2. Anonymous7:14 PM

      I also don’t want to see a total cut of meals . Maybe find the money in closing hours at town hall like someone said here ?

  14. I can understand wanting to save older structures, but maybe lets try something new. Take the Octagon Home. Interesting place, but to my thinking far to expensive a project for the town to take on for the return or value.
    Could the CPC buy the property, give it to an interested, financially capable party to restore and get the property paying taxes at its restored value.

  15. Anonymous6:29 PM

    No ! Taxpayer money for “ preservation “!!

    1. Anonymous6:42 PM

      Lubrul idea ! To make it a towns biz to steal my money so someone can eat govt meal and go to a library to read a book , this towns in need of cuts ! NO overrides ! Cut salaries and shifts !

    2. Anonymous7:03 PM

      Then run for office. Make it happen.
      Surely you would rather be in charge.

    3. Anonymous7:06 PM

      No need to ! We have people on the AC that will provide the answers and direction ! If the people listen ! That’s a big if though !

  16. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Nice try, "anon 6:42". A real dim watt bulb you are, 941.

  17. Anonymous7:04 PM

    What ? Why you like funding meals on wheels ?? I don’t think that program is needed. I agree to cut 6 months minimun . This budget needs to be cut not another override ! I don’t get what your saying !

  18. Hello, what is wrong with people ? Is it customary to think someone is someone else in this blog ? I was told to “ Shut up “ as well as “ FU 941 “ whatever that is .. I’m still researching.

  19. Anonymous6:13 AM

    I see this big debate about meals on wheels. As expected, we see the argument made that it allows people to "stay in their homes". I don't know how anyone believes that.

    If you cannot make yourself a simple meal, there are many other things that you cannot do. Things that are necessary for everyday life. Having a government funded army of people coming to perform routine tasks is too costly. You need to go live with someone else. That's life.

    1. Anonymous6:47 AM

      And if you have no one else to live with? Then should this person move into to a yet more expensive government paid housing? Or perhaps we should just I have a suicide station at Town Hall, where the poor elderly folk can just take care of business and get it over with so that tax don't have to pay for them anymore. You like that idea?
      It is ao much more complicated. Try to have some compassion in your life for others.

    2. Anon 6:47 am I am in agreement with you . Unfortunately as you can see compassion, empathy and just commons decency are not quality’s that are needed here with posters and more importantly the originator of this blog apparently.

    3. Anonymous7:15 AM

      That's right, keep trying to throw Jeff under the bus. He just points out things. Perhaps with his own opinion attached. But I do not believe that he is a mean person. You on the other hand seem to want to cause trouble.

    4. If by “ causing trouble “ if that is pointing out hypocrisy. mean spirited, inaccurate and callus comments, then well apparently that’s your definition of “ causing trouble “. If your agenda is an apologist for someone’s lack of moral standing on this blog that’s your business. I think Jeff can certainly defend himself and his own beliefs in this blog if he chooses to - as he is not shy it seems to chime in on all kinds of topics.

  20. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Our welfare state is a cynical ploy by poorly educated (as in social "sciences" degrees) lefties carving out lucrative places in America's economy for themselves.

    That's life. You get old and you move in with family or friends.

    What makes a nursing home so expensive is onerous regulation. Regulation that has been designed to employ maximum leftwingers.

    Have some respect for other people's money.

    1. Anonymous7:13 AM

      Have some respect for other people.

    2. Thankyou anon 7:13 am I will also add to that the Social Security and Medicare benefits as one poster liked to say “ for those who earned it “ transformed life for the elderly in the United States—a landmark achievement in itself..that I firmly believe that if people who comment on this blog were in the halls of power then - would have never come to pass.

  21. To the many fans of Ayn Rand (who argued against the very idea of government and the commons yet received Social Security and Medicare), This blog and its originator has managed to combined meanness, cruelty and callousness toward the weak and the vulnerable with gross and unapologetic hypocrisy.
    “You think that your silence on certain topics, perhaps in the face of injustice, or unkindness, or mean-spiritedness, causes others to reserve judgement of you. Far otherwise; your silence utters very loud: you have no oracle to speak, no wisdom to offer, and your fellow people have learned that you cannot help them. Doth not wisdom cry, and understanding put forth her voice? We would be well to do likewise “ - Ralph Waldo Emerson

    1. Anonymous7:12 AM

      You're the mean one.

    2. That’s rich.

  22. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Nothing wrong in receiving social security and medicare if you earned your living and paid those taxes. Wrong is public sector workers double dipping, retiring young from civil service and getting the paltry 40 quarters required for minimum ss payment.

    1. What’s wrong then getting meals on wheels or nursing home care on those “ recieving social security and Medicare if you earned “ I assume you don’t mean disabled people by no fault of their own who require assistantance ( or cancer patients , children with acute / chronic conditions ) or perhaps “ you “ do?

    2. I said a while back . So glad I bookmarked this page.

    3. This town has big financial problems ! For one thing, some of these issues have to be solved without people beating up on each other about things that cannot be changed. Social issues will not go away ! You will have a budget in front of you, and hopefully you will have a vague idea of what is in there. In the end this is your town right or wrong.
