Friday, February 16, 2018

The regional school district agreement involving Templeton and Phillipston was supposedly last updated in 2004. It is quite possible that this change or update is not even on file with the state.

Within this agreement, East Templeton school is listed, when in fact, it does not exist any longer (in the capacity of a school) Baldwinville Elementary will soon follow. The agreement also contains language stating each lease term shall be for a period of twenty years and additional terms shall not exceed twenty years.

The agreement states it was first executed in 1955, as amended through 1975.

One interesting item is if at anytime, there are students more than 10% of the pupils of the whole school being from out of town, then the reassignment will require a 7/8ths vote of the school committee to vote in favor, school choice students shall be exempt from this.

I have to wonder what would happen, if per this current agreement, the school committee voted all in favor of reassigning all of Phillipston students to the new elementary school, if that would hold up legally? Of course, we could just stay focused on the hemp debate.


  1. Why ? Can’t we chew gum and walk at the same time ( rhetorical ) .

  2. This is why “ would it hold up legally ... I have to wonder what if ..” This kind of stoking the fire of conjecture and black helicopter, tin foil hat conspiracy of something afoot going on is why no one pays attention to things in town. Keep things to facts and maybe people will pay attention more idk . You Jeff usually cite all your comments well and I would like to read more of that.

  3. Jeff, I don't remember the discussion with any detail. What is the goal of this committee? The perimeters in which it operates? The mission statement if you will?

  4. Im beginning to think it might be that Templeton has no internet ? Idk

    1. Mr Per se,

      I might be mistaken, but if I'm not mistaken 29.03 (3b) states that " The public body shall file and post notice of the
      website address, as well as directions on how to locate notices on the website, in each city
      and town within the region or district in the manner prescribed for local public bodies in
      that city or town."

      This seems to say the Towns website which is were our public meetings are posted must have instructions on how to locate the Regional schools agenda. I've looked and can find nothing. I even looked on the :Where do I go for" and guess what, the school isn't even listed.

      We are s tuck with Comcast in Templeton so our service is manipulated.

  5. I've got a question and slow Why does moving the Phillipston 5th graders back to Phillipston depend on the new school in Templeton?

    1. With the construction of the new elementary school in Templeton, ALL 5th graders are supposed to go back to the elementary level. So Phillipston's 5th graders would go back to Phillipston Memorial School and temple ton's 5th graders would go go to the new elementary school. The elementary schools would then house grades preK - 5.

    2. Thanks Julie,

      Was or will their be any money exchanged between the communities based on these changes?

    3. I wouldn't think there would be an exchange of money between communities. Phillipston kids preK-5 would go to PMS and Templeton kids (preK-5) would go to the new school in Templeton Center.

      The only Phillipston students who would attend the new Templeton school would be the disabled students preK-5.

      Unless, a problem was found in the elementary school in Phillipston...mold, asbestos, leaking roof, that kind of thing.

      Thank God Templeton is overbuilding its elementary school!

  6. hello , I have Comcast and I found the meeting. in fact sel Julie “ What is your website “ couldn’t find it either, SAD ! As she is a member ! The woman from Phillipston NRSD committee member knew as did the town of Phillipston.

    1. I found it too..........I did the "ask a human" search. They responded. Information found. Still not 100% on what they are tasked with specifically. Since your moving kids around are they responsible for transportion, staff, building proportional changes. Is this committee designing an overall functioning, practical application or just a general direction?

  7. Bob M and Per se , maybe you should attend meetings ? We’re you both at the meeting the other day ? Did these questions get asked in a public forum - as there are plenty of options to ask on camera even ! ? Do you reach out and ask or just put out conjecture and “ thoughts “ .

  8. I haven't attended any meetings of the regional re-organization committee. I think the "conjecture" is your my friend. I asked questions here. Must I attend every meeting in town to have an opinion? I ask questions of our BOS, our TA, etc, etc. I attend 2 committee meetings as a member 2 times a month and usually at least one BOS meeting. Your implication that I am someehow hiding here is complete Bullshit! I'm on the advisory Committee, Capital Planning Committee. I've spoken up about article presented at Towm meeting. I'll stand by my opinions if and until I am proven incorrect at which time I would concede and I dont care who knows them........

    When I looked for the school info I remembered from our assault by the BOS the requirements of the OML. Went back and read them as they apply and pointed it out here as a member runs this board and will see it and the issue will be resolved if needed.
    Again, reading the presented document on this blog I asked a question based on the included information.

    William, did you attend the meetings? If so why not just answer if possible. If you didn't attend then I assume your comment was strictly political.

  9. Back to the HEMP DEBATE........... ok, so I just thought I'd mention that Winchendon is having a public meeting on Feb 20

    Seems as though they also did a public survey.

  10. WIth that type of answer from now I know public representative perhaps it’s clearer as to why nothing gets resolved. Like you I don’t need to attend physically and if I had as many questions as you seem to, I would ask directly at a meeting such as the one held the past week on camera. You have the right to ask questions just as I have pointing out the lack of knowledge of it.

  11. OK, so enough of that. I thought asking questions got you knowledge, but apparently it shows a lack of knowledge..........its a perspective thing I guess. Which meeting are you talking about as "on Camera" not the re-organization committee right?

    I'll continue to make statements, throw out opinions, and yes, ask questions. If I or anyone else asks it here if it is answered its public info for anyone

  12. The meeting I’m referring to was the BOS meeting with Phillipston. As far as on camera - I would imagine if one asks to video-or voice record it would be allowed as it ( re- org meetings ) are public meetings right ? Or am I wrong ?
    You certainly are correct asking questions are great but throwing out unfounded theories are of no help.

  13. Ah, No I didn't attend that one. I did however watch it. Good questions by the audience.

    William, what unfounded theory????

  14. Anonymous3:45 PM

    The Templeton administrator has weekly reports he puts out. question where is this weeks report? they are always available on Thursdays. Just asking!!!

  15. I think its because Holly was out this week or something.
