Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Yesterday, I obtained a letter from Town Hall addressed to Jeffrey Bennett, c/o Town Hall. It was in regards to one of those open meeting law complaints filed by the board of selectmen against members of the Advisory Committee. The letter was from the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office. It contained information about the complaint, who filed it and the response received. Since the period of time had passed for an appeal of that response and since no appeal had been made, the Office of the Attorney Genera considers the matter closed and the response from the Advisory Committee to the board of selectmen was accepted.

Maybe now we can have an administrator's report given at a selectmen's meeting.


  1. Maybe citizen's comments can be made at the end of the meeting instead of the "beginning"? Like who does that ?

    1. Anonymous5:07 PM

      12/11/2017 agenda for the BOS meeting has Public Comments near the end of the meeting at #6, just before Board and Staff Member Comments. Agendas available online at www.templeton1.org - Kathy K.

    2. Anonymous7:37 PM

      Ooooops! Item#6, public comments at the end of the 12/11/17 meeting was an ERROR. They are moving it back to the top of the agenda. My thoughts - how can the public comment on an item that has not yet been discussed by the BOS? - Kathy K

  2. Anonymous10:12 AM

    No TA report at BOS meeting that is so people will not know what is going on

    1. How long is it going to be kept from people that our tax rate has jumped, and the police station bids are totally out of whack ! So spin a bunch of crap about lapel pins, instead of dealing with reality. How they go !

  3. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Weekly TA report is available every Thurs or Fri on the town website www.templeton1.org Kathy K
