Saturday, September 30, 2017

Chairman Caplis speaks: finally.

Apparently Mr. Caplis spoke to a resident and admits he was aware of the 106 page document sent to him, but he "just forgot." The chair also agrees that the position of the document was correct but there is nothing we can do about the past so we should just move on. That line sounds familiar. My question is what happened with open and transparent government and what happened with the qualified financial team in place? Why was this information not in the AR of 2016 Apparently that elusive financial report is in printing now and will be available by the end of the year. So we have another deadline to wait for!

With regards to the receipt of mail, the document was sent to the Town vial a P.O. box and the Town does not log in mail into Town Hall so the record ends there. At least there was an admission that the information was correct, this group of selectmen failed to follow through on another promise and the Town waits for another deadline. I wonder what happened to the 2015 annual Town report and the Town Meeting vote.

On another subject, the municipal fellowship position; you have to follow the bouncing ball. That came up by way of the discussion to have a shared town administrator. With a two day a week visit to Templeton, there was thought that some of the appropriated funds for the TA position could be used to hire a graduate and have on the job training in municipal administration. I believe this had been discussed at several board/committee meetings but that will require some reading for a later post. Since the Town will no longer have a shared administrator, perhaps more effort and all salary should be put towards hiring a full time town administrator as Town Meeting voted for.


  1. I have heard enough "it's in the past" bs. That along with a leader of one of our town departments, when I heard them say "it's only pennies" when referring to a article they wanted the town to vote for ! What part of "you work for the people in this town" don't you understand ?? All of it, I would guess. I do think I am not the only person who feels this way, and if other people do, it is time for them to speak up. Presenting the public with a budget that is vague, and also changed after the BOS approved it is not acceptable. Leading the town's people down the path to further financial ruin, is not acceptable. One might ask why this town did not put the school, or the police station on the Capital Plan ? It just may have been that no town in their right collective minds, would try to do four big projects in one year, especially with no bond rating. How convenient to not have a quorum for over a year, or was that two ? How many of the people in this town understand that the two year debt exclusion for the police station, is no longer for two years ? Minor change, you might say. Well I say, the two year limit was why people voted the way they did. So as I understand it, the USDA does not do two year loans, and the way I see it, the USDA would be the only place we could get a loan, and they would give a loan to a rat. These long term loan have cost this town big money over the years, and we are still paying, and will be for a good long time. When the people we elect cannot be upfront with the information that has been a part of our tradition, for over two hundred and fifty years, the Annual Town Report, then we have a serious problem. When a resident comes forward with documentation, that has cost this person valuable time and money, it is the very least the Chairman of the BOS can do is be honest, (how unique) and respond to this resident, veteran and taxpayer. Do not dare pull the "it's in the past" crap. In town government the past and what our elected officials vote for and do will affect the town for years to come. Just incase the chairman has not noticed. My opinion, based on the truth. Bev.

  2. Anonymous6:31 PM

    some times people don't tell the truth and say they forgot. other times they say anything that comes to mind as it's grandfathered just so people will not question the fact that they don't know. and then we don;t have the money and it cost very little to do and it a job the dept head should do but doesn't do but they are doing a great job and believe it if they say enough times.

    1. If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bs ! Seems to be the way it goes around here ! People need to demand accountability. Otherwise you get the government you deserve.

  3. Anonymous7:28 PM

    I think it is awful that this town voted to hire a FULL TIME TOWN ADMINISTRATOR and we have yet to actually have one implemented since that vote. To me, it seems the temp TA is mkaing choices about a junior TA position that goes against town meeting vote. Who is going to hold the BOS accountable for letting this temp TA make these decisions? Is the BOS going to take the blame for not delivering on the town meeting vote? Oh right, they're too busy trying to silence citizens that object to their job performance. Great leaders this town voted into office. I'm so glad that popularity contests run this town--not. Any adults wanna step up and object to this poor leadership before its too late?
