Saturday, July 29, 2017

all material on this blog is directed to members of the general public and is not intended to be read by my fellow Committee members, nor do I intend for any readers to convey such material directly or indirectly to my fellow Committee members.

Approved on 5.9.16 
Templeton Board of Selectmen 
 Town Hall Conference Room 
160 Patriots Road, East Templeton, Massachusetts 
 Monday, April 25, 2016, 6:30 p.m. 

Present: Board of Selectmen: John Columbus, Diane Haley Brooks, Doug Morrison, and Julie Richard; and Town Administrator, Robert Markel, were in attendance. Kenn Robinson was not in attendance. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. 

 Insurance Advisory Committee~ Bob explained that the state statute requires 7 employees and 1 retiree to be on this committee. Ms. Haley Brooks  made a motion to rescind the Board of Selectmen appointment to this committee. Mr. Morrison seconded the motion. The vote was 4 yes. This vote changes the makeup of the committee to be in compliance with Massachusetts General Laws, which supercede any Town Bylaws or Board of Selectmen votes/decisions. 

So, how did selectmen business become Advisory Committee business? Which kind of makes my point, I was informing the general public of this and at the same time correcting the bogus information that dave smart put out in a comment on a blog. This item was indeed selectmen business because again, it did not go to Town Meeting, it did not go to Advisory Committee nor did it go to the Planning Board. 

Opinions expressed are those of Jeff Bennett and do not represent any other member of the Advisory Committee

posted by Jeff Bennett

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