Thursday, June 15, 2017

If the chairman had asked that certain way it most likely would have been done.
If she had it electronically? Or to print it was easier why not.
She did what was requested.
If the advisory has any funds left over they should pony up for the unforeseen cost of the winter,and expenses.
Or how about to add to the unforeseen fleet expenses we have had the last few months after such a unforeseen hard winter.
Pony up AC Templeton needs your help again.
So the Snow and ice budget is ok at 125k?
No change?

The above shows, in my opinion, that little davey does not know or understand how things work. The Advisory Committee has no power to put money here or there. Any funds left over from Advisory expense fund goes where left over money goes, it reverts to the general fund. The Town's reserve fund was lowered this year as well, so what was that money used to cover?

In the FY2018 budget book, it has a Town Administrator recommend snow & Ice $140,000.00 and the posted warrant has this:

Note: (1) Contains $10,000 Reserve Transferrable by BoS for Non-Union Merit & Equity Raises
 (2) Contains $35,000 transferable reserve for emergency & unforeseen circumstances (MGL Ch. 40 S. 6)

The Town website for the annual town meeting of May 13, 2017 has snow & Ice appropriation of $132.500.00, either way, it is not $125,000.00

Maybe selectmen can help you out davey!

The vote of the Advisory Committee was to ask for the general ledger and it is preferred electronically and I was designated by the Chairman to put forth the request. There was a "thank you in advance for assistance" Electronically saves paper and time. General ledger material has been sent electronically in the past. As I stated previously, little davey is the apparent spokes person for highway and the selectmen and in my opinion, davey needs to go ask how things work before he speaks.

posted by Jeff Bennett


  1. Here is the latest example of not following the "rules":
    30A sec 20,21,22
    Section 20: Meetings of a public body to be open to the public; notice of meeting; remote participation; recording and transmission of meeting; removal of persons for disruption of proceedings; office holders to certify receipt of open meeting law and educational materials
    Section 21: Meeting of public body in executive session
    Section 22: Minutes of meetings

    I guess snow and ice may have to chill for now Beenit.

  2. Hey David............Latest example of what? Selectman Fortes issues?

    Good luck with that. Maybe I'm wrong but reading the statute, the regs.....not even close.

  3. Anonymous11:02 PM

    you can't follow your own policy on the other blog as BIG DON/Domme is not taken off. You don't seem to know what and how town government works that is bad for a town employee. Yes i have my say so here and it is free to comment not controlled like yours.

  4. I give all new comments a time period prior to removal.
    The tag that was used is good for us now until i receive the identity and just so "you" know the policy you fail at describing here.
    Anonymous can return to the closet and hide ashamed to be you.
    Sorry for your conditions.

  5. David, you have not in the past. I remember no comment of mine, nor "do is stupids" comments staying up for days.I used the same handle as now but you deleted mine within hours before "proving my identity". Your bias is obvious and always has been.

    No response to the ZBA meeting minutes yet I noticed.

  6. Anonymous7:49 AM

    A different anonymous here, the reason for staying behind the scene is the abusive nature of this town from BOTH SIDES, I have had numerous constructive posts on Paul's Watch and they all stayed, the ONE I posted that had some words about Dave's workplace got deleted because it didn't agree with Dave.
    There is one reason people don't post there anymore, It is totally 1 sided and NOT what Pauly wanted.

    Why do you think Davey is always over here, because there is nobody to read his rants over there.

  7. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Anom 7:49

    I agree Dave has become a putts As Pauly would Say HE HE HE

  8. Politician, Businessman, World Traveler, Socialite, & Outdoorsman. Selectman of Templeton MA. Snapchat: CameronFortes

    Cameron Fortes‏
    My favorite committee made memes about me after they violated the law 😂 Unfortunately they aren't very good. …

    Wow, so now Camerons favorite board runs Pauly's page? Interesting? Maybe he still needs to review the BOS policies and procedures. Is the Chairman checking these policies.

    Selectman Fortes is holding a kegger!!!!!!! Binge drinking, 4 kegs, Charity event?

    I sure how Selectman Fortes has all the required liabilty covered, permits, security,Servers,Id's etc..........I'm sure he does being a Public Official and all!

  9. Are we having fun yet? When will the digging stop............

  10. The would have been hee hee hee.
    I could call you names but your not worth any efforts.
    I understand the anons reasons for the shield.
    The reason for the shield is to protect the thin skins from the BOBS,JEFFS and the like.
    anons are just blank statements like checks with no names and are worthless for any purpose they intended.

    1. Anonymous3:37 PM

      This anon is hiding from YOU Davey

  11. David,

    Much bias, again?..........You dont mention the one guy who decided to Charge legal violation on your board based solely on names not being anonymous......You dont include yourself as some how you're above it all..................we know. That might be why if maybe 2 certain people left your blog it would die!

  12. I think Bob your eye sight is getting poor.
    this blog could never catch up to the real one and you know it.
    If the hiders were allowed like here they would need not come here.
    Your a mirror of the prime Jeffy act that has run it course in Templeton.
    As with the chapter 164 laws we found all the violations pointed out were just a slap or 10$ fine and mean nothing to the general public.
    You have earned your reputation and will carry it like JEFFY does.It all comes out on the blogs. When you spew out in public as a member it will show them your just another trouble maker against any who get elected. These are what words i hear and only feel i should let you guys know how the talk goes. So if you have a plan to get anywhere in Templeton you may want to try to be just a little helpful or it will bit you when the time comes. Stop fighting the school and help move the town forward the voters want you to remember.
    It's nice to see you don't hide anymore like the others do still.
    Blog on!! "OPINIONS" are for everyone and boy do they have them for you and JEFFY.

    Every Anon has the past to hide from and can't "face" the future.
    At least the people who read will know who the ones with backbones are.

    1. Anonymous8:48 AM

      Dave, How many elections you win

  13. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Dave I have to agree on a few points as far as posters on these blogs you look around Facebook and Twitter we are all trouble makers here not wanting the town to move forward!!! Agree or disagree that's what's happening. for the school it's going to happen like it or not and the anti school people put up a good fight now it's time to help get this school done !!!and for camron the new selectmen he is young chip on his shoulder and needs a pass on stuff for at least a year !! That job has to suck I wouldn't like to do it !!! So dave thanks

  14. Hey David,

    As you have shown over and over you do not care about Templeton, you care about Dave. I'm not concerned at all regarding my reputation as it relates to these blogs. I'm stating facts.

    You say I'm against the elected officials. WRONG! I'm against elected officials acting on my behalf who do not follow the rules, violate regulations, contract rules, finance rules, meeting rules, etc.
    You might be fine being represented by people who say " Do as I say, not as I do" but I"M NOT!
    We have rules for a reason. NOt following them got us to the position we have been in over the past few years that you constantly bitch about.

    You say ADVISE constantly, but when people advise to follow rules to your cronies you get upset. You dislike or are infatuated with Jeff, not sure, but when he points out that the BOS isn't following regulations what do you do.........bitch at Jeff. So I say you are the problem. You dont like the present, but are so afraid to upset people and appear mean to the "feeling" government you accept being represented by those who do as they please.
    5 minutes google searches is all it would take to see the proper methods, but our team just flies by the seat of there pants

    I understand now how it is. You dont care about our elected officials violated laws as you see them as potholes. Minor obstacles to getting were you want. Ends justify means type thinking.
    We have a BOS apparently fumbling along in the dark, avoiding by-laws, Policies and Procedures, etc and Dave is angry at those that point it out. Good Job!
    You also seem to think I'm somehow concerned that I'm upsetting people, wrong. I hope I am. I want them to be so sick and tired of seeing there errors, omissions and violations on the blog they stop making them! They follow rules, They represent the Taxpayer legally!

    Dave Opinions are not my concern. People are going to think what they want, can't control that. People dont like my opinions, great, make theirs known. I'm not in a popularity contest. Not looking to hold peoples hands, make them feel warm and fuzzy. Not my concern. I just don't want them poorly represented, lied to, misrepresented as they have been in the past.
    It is not my place to make the Administration comfortable. They work for and represent Taxpayers and have not been doing it well. Until they do I will continue to point it out and anyone who doesn't like it, well, buckle up!

  15. Ok, boys ! Please, please stop ! The town is in enough crap without you guys on each other ! This does not solve anything ! I am not your mother, just passing along what other people tell me. Bev.

  16. More meds Bob you may think your the fix all and ruler of change needs but i can tell you are into this a little more then it's healthy to be. Jeff did the same thing and now he hides as a anon when he gets out. Looking back at how Templeton use to be and with all the help the other volunteers have been it's no longer in a nose dive as the school that has you so riled up will be in the dig soon. No comments here can be any worse then in the past and when we started to limit the anons at the other real blog things started to move better. You see Bob the more they read from the same person they get tired of it and just look at the blog and skip the comment sections. They get the blog info and move on. People like you and your opinion just get pasted off as noise and clutter. No real change will happen the way you want with your approach. The help out point was in my opinion over your head or under your buckle. The amount of work this town gets from the volunteers is amazing and i commend them now and in the past. The majority of them have a better way of approach than the way you and Jeff use. Threats are just a way of mind flexing and only turns off the willingness of those you wish to make conform.
    As with past selectman who have resigned or boycotted meetings you will in my opinion have a notch or two in your pen as i see it.
    There are way more better things for any of our volunteers to do with their time and would easily change their schedules as life is to short to live it being taunted by those who use the internet to play important.
    Bob you need a reality check if you think you may make any meaningful difference the way you go about this. I don't think the public will remember any of this only that your a anti school anti selectman that tries to point out what bad volunteers we have doing the best they can with one of the most fd up towns ever. We have made a good start to the recovery and could do without yours and jeffs shit for sure.
    We all know that the policy and procedures need help and work but with the tasks of the future your noise does little to help the towns situations.
    So there you have some more material to mull over and do some more obtuse gesturing on like boy JEFF would again and again,over and over till we all go to sleep.
    Even some of the people on his BOS would complain about his repetitive habit.
    Just a little jab for now Jeff more later,can't help i it was to quiet for to long.
    So when they quit just ask yourself one thing was it the difference you wanted to make?
    Wish i could say "Good job" but i know better as you know better.
    Yes you May!!!
    Know better??

  17. So Bev was it 100 empty houses in Templeton?
    Was it 4 empty houses on Victoria lane?
    Or do i have the wrong Templeton?
    Don't read if they don't like.
    Change in some AC members will be needed to help this town be any different.
    What a soap opera this would make.
    We could rename the town Bobshittyville.
    May we? HEE HEE HEE
    Uncle would eat this shit right up.

  18. Start with insults and I should care what else you write....why?

    Which Volunteers am I insulting? Elected Officials are not volunteers. We have 13 Openings now, have had many for a long time. Many positions were never filled, never advertised. Some volunteers are on multiple boards, committees. I see you insulting volunteers two volunteers in your previous comment, thats cool though right? It just depends on whose talking.

    David You think you know my results, why? How would you? The only thing you KNOW or can assume I do is what I TELL YOU and everyone on the blog.

    Hey Dave, How did not following the regulations work out with the MSBA? How did not following the rules work for the CDBG? How did it work with the Police Station Loan? These are recent results based solely on not following the rules that are and have cost Templeton Taxpayers.

    According to David Smart people dont care about not following regulations, rules as they are $10 fines. The CDBG alone was $500k I think of free money, gone. How much was the total costs for the audits above normal?

    Please David, help out and demand the government Templeton deserves.

    David, if someone quits because I pointed out that they refuse to follow Policies/Procedures, Rules or Regulations then they were not doing the job, they were jeopardizing Templeton taxpayers and should be gone, bye! Don't let the door hit ya, as it were. You think I should apologize????? Feel bad????? Why?

    Seriously, why is it ok for representatives of the people to violate the rules those people set?

    Sorry Bev, just can't understand the convoluted reasoning.

  19. So against anything and everything "BOB", Funny you get your way like preached and still have a problem with it. You were against the school,Police force,Police station and the CBDG was due to income the 2nd round.
    I think you forget i read the comments not like the majority who come here.

  20. Happy Father Day --- In every case I'm against wasting money or spending money foolishly, not the System they support. I know it's a tough concept for you to grasp, but some of us don't get all emotional schools and use 10 yr old as props at meetings.
    Some of us choose to limit the size and scope of our government as a means of cost control. Which has grown more over the past 30 yrs:

    School costs or population?
    Police force size or population

    Being against ever increasing government is not against the the people in them but I'm sure thats to complex for you.

    I can be for schooling but against a Structure.
    I can support Police without unrestricted expansion.
    I can support our Town without accepting regulatory violations.

    The problem with our system now is exemplified by you. You make every decision a "personal" attack on the party that doesn't fall in line.

    Dont agree with a 93,000 sq ft structure in Historic Templeton center you hate kids.

    Dont agree with adding a cell to the Police station as it creates personel issues, expansion- you hate cops.

    Dont agree with the BOS methods of representation - You hate Templeton

    Maybe you should inform the Audit Firm and our BOS about you deep knowledge of the CDBG issue. I'm sure it would be news to them as income had nothing to do with it.

    We couldn't apply for CDBG funding because for both 2013 and 2014 our Management didn't file the required Single Audits. Read the audit! We are considered a "High Risk Auditee" under Federal audit guidelines but nope, Dave says it was income............

    Dave, seems as though your memory needs an upgrade or maybe reading lessons!

  21. For those looking to see for themselves the CDBG issue is explained on page 12 of 31 in the management letter under "single audits".

    Enjoy the FACT and avoid the hype.

  22. The procedures have played out and your still against the schools the police and the like. Face it the tag is anti BOB. Or is it sponge BOB as we should see what the system give away for all who will take. The police issue is so out of your league and if you can't get past the school or the CDBG issues well you should go back to the TV.
    Any time the Police force has to require more funds it was explained and questions answered. Ask any questions BOB? Didn't think so! Get any answers? I think you hear what only you want to hear.
    As far as the cap inprov. issues when will your team advise at TMLWP on the process.
    There you will find like Jeff has a wall of whats called the chapter 164 defensive package. Careful though there is issues they want to settle as it will benefit them even more in the long run.
    So will the A.C. start the look for members to make a difference or will the last 5 years just repeat over and over again and again. If i was misinformed on the CDBG issue it was at a meeting and we were told that.
    As far as the audit you refer to i wouldn't take it as all fact and there are holes if you look closer. I'd share but the trouble you are involved with now is enough to bother with now.
    As Bev says it will all come out in the wash.
    So do we need a forensic audit?
    With all the points made by your team when will the request be made of the material you think you have.
    Don't forget the case laws as it is differently written from the mgl you preach about.
    When the MGL conflict with towns laws there are issues and issues are many.

    Hate? Bob your over stressed about things and a cooling should be in your future.
    Regroup and start fresh as the material here is a bit condensed for the better Templeton we/most all want.
    Instead of the Jeffy style you use here just ask question and get answers, Just sitting and typing after with the names and comments anons do will help nothing.
    It only turns the views to a lower number. Ot the comments get bypassed totally.
    Police force size or population.
    There's a good one Bob .
    For a domestic you would rather have no cops and have a coroner with the reasoning in a smaller force. With the economy and all the factor that make the expansions needed you just don't have what it takes to listen to why.
    What you quote from is a great way to get lost with the reasons.
    Careful what other AC members tell you is the truth sometimes they cant see the trees in the forests.
    I know i listened and now know better.
    Some day you will too.

  23. Wow, You prove again you spout gossip. I heard it at a meeting, lol.

    I'm done Dave, this is a pointless. Enjoy the delusions.

    Oh, I'm in trouble? Someone coming to take my birthday? What are you 12?

    Did ask questions, was told lies............2 yr loan. I voted for it last year, against it this year. You know less every minute.

  24. JEFFY went away too.
    Team up you could help one another,but watch out you may think the others are on your side like i did. You'll be smarter when you figure it all out.
    Good luck with the time frame it will take.
    Be careful!

  25. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Sounds like Davey has just given up and is now "going with the flow" whether right or wrong

  26. Yes i think we're done here!
    Wrong is comments without an ID! Right?
    As in the past those who hide could be the "few/couple" against any change in Templeton. Or is the "one" who is. With no ID comes no opinion with it. Was it Bob,Jeff or another who is the game player/s.
    In my opinion.

  27. Anonymous7:37 AM

    See Mr. Smart, you are only worried about who is talking not what is being said.
    That is the reason people stay anonymous, to prevent the backlash from you

  28. Just to be absolutely clear to anyone reading these posts. My only posts here are under BOB M. Look at my comments. Anything I have to say I'll say, face to face, online,at a meeting. I dont feel the need to hide or play games David. Anything I say I'll stand behind until proven otherwise. No hiding here!

    I point out problems.
    I ask questions.
    I answer questions.
    I respond to comments.

    I have no vendetta against any department, Board, Committee or Commission. I have no personnel hard feelings to any member of our government or any members of any town facility (to my knowledge).

    I am sick of our Town being underfunded, overtaxed and under served based on poor management practices, poor over site, poor follow through. The problem with bad management is they will never tell you the real problem, cause its them! They probably dont even know just how bad it appears from the outside.

    I know it's not "vital" but it goes to our management. Look at the Town Website. This is our face to society. This is were people are to go and pay bills, find info, meetings, meeting minutes, committee members etc. OK?

    Now look at the organization of those webpages. It's unorganized, chaotic, incomplete. I haven't found one locally that is as poorly maintained. I tells the story of our management.

  29. I'm done Dave, this is a pointless. Enjoy the delusions.

    HE's back!

    Hows the water Bob absolutely clear?

  30. Bob take some time to proof read or use spell check.
    Your comments always have errors and people will have a hard time with it.
    "I tells the story of our management."
    Just take a look in the mirror and point there too.
    Yes i think we're done here!

    1. Holy crap Dave, try reading your Grammer/writing never was my strong suit. anc ouy eard isth ro tno? I nac tbu ouy ightm tno eb albe ot. ejnoy!

  31. So how was the BOS meeting? PLAYOFF GAME KEPT ME AWAY.
    Was there any extra issues over the new selectman and your issues with him?
    Will the town need a new crew of AC members soon?
    Kind of bites you in the ass when you fail to follow rules.
    Watch what you write. Be careful.People might just read and judge the AC members.
    Like cameron warned you Bev please don't incriminate yourselves further.
    ,Bob's language "I sure how Selectman Fortes"
    Can you read this or not,i can but you might not be able to.
    It's just a matter of time for justice.

  32. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Kind of like why you didn't get elected Dave Smart, You ran your mouth.

  33. Well Anon at least i'm not afraid to own my words like you.
    Stay afraid,keep you a shield
