Saturday, June 17, 2017

At the last selectmen meeting, a candidate for Town Administrator was back for a third time. This time, selectmen Fortes apparently had no conflict of interest for this meeting or interview. The cameras rolled on as the candidate sat for an "interview" so unlike the last time this candidate sat for an "interview" people get a chance to watch the process if they desire.

In the past when a document such as expenditures versus appropriations or revenue reports from the town accountant, they were always emailed electronically. So the accountant apparently knows how to send documents attached to emails, of which I have many. Suddenly however, they are not sent electronically available. Perhaps some more silly games from town hall. Maybe lost is the availability of scanners to put printed materials on line for all to see, as in public knowledge/information, transparency and the like. My opinion is the internet has become a pain in the backside for elected officials and others, unless they are being patted on the back, then by all means put it on twitter, face book, blog and front page. Don't critique us or write/post anything negative or we will shut off the information, remember, we are superior!

My thought (personal opinion)  on the superior ones (their words or description of themselves also used by one other town financial team member when addressing the "elected ones"

So, in a style sometimes referred to as to Lampoon:

So, the elected ones could be -

a kegger, a no show, a baby making machine, a professional, a bankruptcy/land baron expert, a liquor salesmen, a town crier, a clown, a service provider, a building rahab person, a referee, or a go between. I will let you all connect the dots if you wish .

Some members get a tad testy if any further questions concerning the school are brought up, such as did the Templeton Conservation Commission sign off on things.

At the last selectmen meeting, the subject of public comment not being included on the agendas for BOS meetings as indicated in policies & procedures for selectmen, the answer was "because of all the things going on, that was not included for about the past four months." Looking back through agendas for selectmen meetings beginning in January 2016, I could find no agenda with public comment included or on the agendas. If that item is no longer wanted by selectmen, why not simply vote to remove it from the policy, deal with the questions, comments that will probably follow and be done with it. End of criticism for not following a policy with regards to that item, end of story. In my opinion, this makes for another example of a BOS that is less than forth coming with regards to information. 

posted by Jeff Bennett


  1. Imagine. Over 18 months of just doing as they please. Who cares right Dave? Move along, nothing to see, it's in the past.

    I think we should simplify our Policies and Procedure to: "Do as you please" because nobody really cares about the silly rules and regulations anyway. I mean these people, the elected Administration of the Town cannot be held accountable or they will get upset. They will round up people and tell them look, those bad people pointing out problems are the real problem. Let us do as we please and as you have seen things will work out GREAT!
    Dont hold you officials accountable, blame the people who point out errors, omissions and oversights. Things would just be so much better if those pesky rules didn't exists. Whahhhh.

    To bad, not going to happen. Either do the damn job as laid out or change it, adjust it or move on. I dont care, but stop telling people to look away, nothing to see, it's in the past as that is an out right LIE!

    1. What our elected officials do not understand is nothing is forgotten ! Everything is in the history of the town's records ! Did you screw up when you did not recind those raises there was no money for them in the budget. Did you dig the hole the town was in deeper, buy spending money that was not in the budget . Don't worry, a hundred years from now, people will know, if they care enough to look ! As Pauly would say, hee, hee, hee !
