Monday, June 5, 2017

A slow news day in Templeton

Templeton's newest selectmen has so far as I can see has failed to deliver! At a meeting of the Templeton Advisory Committee discussion came up concerning the school project and a budget versus actual (so called) and selectmen Cameron Fortes stated he had also looked into that and he had the information. He was asked if he could forward that information the the Advisory Committee and he stated he would. That was two weeks ago and no information yet. So much for the contention from the spokesperson of Templeton highway and the select board, Dave Smart (in my opinion) on how this board delivers on questions.

Also notice that at tonight's selectmen meeting, there is a topic on updating selectmen policies and procedures. Interesting to see what additions or deletions come about. Hopefully there will be a full board present tonight so they do not go against their own policies, again!

Potholes on Barre Road must be multiplying as I drove that road yesterday and saw more than a few (a few being three or more) on a road that was supposedly already had its pot holes patched. Perhaps they ran out of material or the 7 hour work day is not enough time to complete the tasks.

posted by Jeff Bennett


  1. No worries Jeff,

    It's the way our Government works. I emailed Holly on May 16,2017 asking for direction on finding a "list" of all Committee, Board and Commission members.

    Apparently it's not an easy access or not available or they figured I'd just go away. The response leads me to believe we don't have a list or the results of said list are, well, not Kosher.

    Time to send another email?

  2. Now there's a spot in need of advisement Boy's!!!
    Barre road is in failing condition and requires many loads and man hours to maintain.
    The thought of a pave job is monitarily impossible with the chapter90 funds we get.
    So start to find the correct amount needed to repave and a over ride should be not far behind.
    Other towns nearby fund better roads with over ride every year and have "fantastic" roads that need very little patching if any.
    Road money on a over ride you ask?
    Equipment money on a over ride you ask?
    We tried that and people thought we couldn't afford the increases and voted no.
    So i guess when looking at a pot hole and say patch it or pass it is a technical issue and better left up to the pros who know the difference. The ones who know what is needed and what we are told to do with what we have or have time for.
    A lot goes into the decisions we make and its starts with the orders we get when we start out at 7am.
    It's easy to Monday morning quarterback like the J+B club does but they only print what they think they know when they know it "could" be true.
    Could be they thought more important issue deserved the attention or the obtuse responses you give were what they wanted to see first!!!

  3. David,

    I have a question for you. How is road resurfacing decided? Does "highway" have a listing of roads, ages, traffic patterns "usage", when last resurfaced, expected life......etc?

    You say to leave it to the Pro's..........Who exactly is that David? You state above

    " i guess when looking at a pot hole and say patch it or pass it is a technical issue and better left up to the pros who know the difference. The ones who know what is needed and what we are told to do with what we have or have time for."

    In serious terms. Who is the expert in charge of road paving? Bud ran the Department until last winter. Is Alan the man in charge of paving as the Head of the department or is someone else the "pro" road maintenance guy.

    Oh Dave, just in case you missed it. Our website is a MESS. The Towns website is a perfect representation of how our government has worked.Did you know we have a Department named "training slide show"......We have a Board/Committee named "weekly report 10.27.16???
    All you have to do is look..........The committee names are outdated. Information is listed in wrong areas, out of order or just plan missing.

    This does not present a professional face to Templeton.

  4. I got an updated list from Holly. Time to do some review..............

  5. How is road resurfacing decided?
    It is my opinion the first calculation is how much funds are left to do it and how much we need it where.
    Where spend the most time and funds patching points to a concern.
    The most dangerous roads posted at a higher speed is a concern.
    The road deck condition would be a good start. Take the Royalston road project to start with. Posted 45 and not safe for 30 in some areas. The roads crown is misplaced and deformed to the point heavy trucks are in need of more than one lane and use the middle of the road to travel.
    The amount of use is a factor what get done also.
    It gets complicated and the roads without proper funds will only go down hill without more funds added.
    Baldwinville road project was only grind and pave and water lines were not changed as should have been. We were short changed in that job as we spent extra in engineering costs to only get the basic job in the end. There was a massive waste of chapter 90 $$$. You don't know till the approval is complete.
    Chapter 90 money will be used to do the required engineering as there are no other revenue for it.
    Unless you push for a over ride for it you will see roads go in further disrepair.
    Funds have been cut out of the highway budget so why would anyone be surprised.
    One other big factor is if the existing deck needs to be replaced and gets time and costly also. Take the Partridgeville rd/swamp issue if the road is sinking you can't just grind and pave it.I've said it in the past and still believe it's the only choice we now have is to spend the money to grind and level on some roads we can't save with the funding we have at this level. So if we don't like the roads we have a choice to fund or not to fund. Other states are doing this and is working out well.
    The cost ratio is more what we want/need.If we could concentrate on roads in better shape and stop spending the amount we now do on the very poor roads the saved amounts could be a big help and grading the ground up roads would be low cost. After a new pave job we always see an increase in speed and with it the risk of crashes.
    Some people say leave it the way it is or they will go 70mph by my house after a pave job.
    As far as JEFFIES comments on the Barre rd patching people know JEFFIES attitudes with anything to do with the highway dept.
    There are good reasons for what he and others see when traveling Templeton's roads and one only has to think about the School buildings and funding for the given topic.
    Years of under 10.00 per 1,000.00 didn't help any of the things in this town.
    Your politicians then could have done more to promote better infrastructure but choose not to and get re elected.
    As far as your take on the TPD you need to put your glasses back on and live in the now. Our officers are up against more now then ever before. Just the domestic issue they respond to are enough to justify the expansion you whine about. A lack of police station and proper pay grade was in the past a hindrance to keep those we trained to stay and work for our investment.I would be the first to say without the TPD force we now have we would see a very different Templeton.

  6. So, there really is no "plan" to repave the towns rds or any type of listing with expected life,Material usage???? How about for the culverts around town? Is there any listings relating to age, material, etc???

    I know I bitch alot about costs and a true pet peeve of mine are public employee unions, but......... I do agree with you that are taxes are not nearly enough to cover the required costs to maintain what we have as far as roads, water pipes, sewer lines, water towers, buildings, property and equipment owned by the town. I believe the main reason is we have not "measured" it. We dont have a list of all town Capital. It's pretty damn tough to budget for maintenance when you dont even know what you have.

  7. I have a question for you. How is road resurfacing decided? Does "highway" have a listing of roads, ages, traffic patterns "usage", when last resurfaced, expected life......etc?

    You say to leave it to the Pro's..........Who exactly is that David? You state above
    People who get paid to do a job like with sports,football,basketball ect.
    The pros in our town do what they are told to do,in most cases.
    The best way i can answer the question you pose is to start with the list of new roads and eliminate most of them as a road in need.
    That will show a couple of facts that should shut up JEFFY for a minute.
    You will find Templeton roads have been repaired and rebuilt over the years. I have a list and can share if i find it. The part of your question about listing all drains and culverts as in a master may exist,not sure.
    I will tell you the most recent 5-7 years the funds for the road repairs should have been added by means of over rides and we would be in a better shape to catch up to the needs.
    Bud had asked for one or two and was voted down on every one. Unlike other towns with fund for the road repaving we seem to rely on the old chapter 90 game and see what we can get. With that the last 5 + years the towns ability to invest in equipment for the road maintenance has not improved and the cost to keep the fleet in running condition is a challenge to say the least. That is not in the highways control without an updated fleet. Repairs will only go up in cost and the expenses account will most likely go down if history proves to be right.
    If one can predict what will breakdown and when he would get the title of hodini.
    The newest trucks wind up costing the most to repair and have the highest investments.
    The basic point to the town we live in is from financial to education the cost to be Templeton is not known year to year so how do we plan for the unknown with the lack of trust of the taxpayers/voters. Some people are still wondering if the audits turned up the 500k we lost.
    Lack of being involved and aware of the issues will keep Templeton from ever moving forward with the tempo we need to overcome the stagnation we have now.
    Look at the Committee who is called 3 names and wonder why we don't know what to call it.
    The bottom line for a "plan" needs to start with the funds.
    Without the funds what good would the plan be.
    We blew it when the tax collection went under 10.00 for almost 6 years and we spent all the cookie jar had. People only have themselves to blame as it was good as long as the tax stays low in Templeton.
    So here's the plan. Plan to pay higher taxes and take longer to catch up to where we could/should have been a long time ago.
    So look back and remember you got the government results you only now don't like.
