Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Free Advertisement and now featured on Twitter.

Templeton's finest journalist really dug up the dirt on me. Check this link out for a slow news day in Templeton 😂
Good thing I never claimed to be a journalist. I simply like to once in a while peruse the postings of elected officials face book and twitter and even snapchat and all those other things out there. Never know what one may find. Besides, you may find you are being talked about. If I had a thin skin, I would never have volunteered for the Advisory Committee. Now, as a Thomas Taylor posted, referring to me "He is scrapping the bottom of the barrel to report on a twitter feed." But Thomas (if that is your real name) I am simply trying to give Cameron's twitter postings the attention they deserve. So are you saying that Cameron is the bottom of the barrel? That kind of implies Templeton has scraped the bottom of the barrel for a selectmen. Not my opinion at this time, but I think it is a conclusion that could be reached following your "logic."
People have lost jobs for things posted on say a face book page so why not have a look see every so often? What can be the harm?

posted by Jeff Bennett


  1. Thomas Taylor8:27 PM

    What happened to this website? Jeff is extremely thin skinned and immature. He is scrapping the bottom of the barrel to report on a twitter feed that said he was a lousy journalist. I believe you just proved his point.. pathetic Jeff.

  2. Looks like a following is coming to defense.............It a shame the personal mudslinging thats increased.

    Differing opinions are good, but the blog seems to be picking up more "social media" "anonymous" fake named folks...........I suppose its a new norm

  3. Remember Thomas, Jeff is commenting about free advertising, hits, increased traffic Jeff didn't make the DEROGATORY STATEMENT about a blogger journalistic talents.

    1. Like the old saying goes "What you do comes back on you !" So it behooves everyone to think before you tweet, chat or speak. Bev.

  4. Anonymous10:40 AM

    i'm glad to see the sick replies from Cam's friends taken off this blog

  5. Jeff is extremely thin skinned and immature.
    T.T. do you mind if i use that too?

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