Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Speaking of Audits for Municipalities -

Management Letter
 At the conclusion of each audit a management letter may issued by the Independent Auditor.
 It is not required if there are no findings that are considered significant.
 It is a good idea to get a copy of recent management letters before you start reviewing the
    actual financial statements.
 The management letter does not provide an opinion but instead deals with the Auditor’s
    evaluation of the Town’s internal control over financial reporting.
 The internal control evaluation is limited and will not identify all weaknesses.
 A deficiency in internal control exists when the design or operation of a control does not
    allow management or employees, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions,
    to prevent or detect misstatements on a timely basis.

Sections of the Auditor’s Report
 Report on the Financial Statements
This defines the statements being audited
Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements
This tells the reader that management is responsible for the fair presentation in accordance with
    GAAP; that management is responsible for Internal Controls; and free from material
    misstatement due to error or fraud.

Looking at the management letter for 2011, for Templeton by Melanson Heath, I find this:

Improve segregation of duties in sewer department (significant deficiency)

Town's response: The sewer department has no response at this time.

Perform periodic internal audits of departmental receipts.

Town's response: The Town agrees with this recommendation

Other prior year issues - 
        Computer passwords, should be changed periodically.

Town's response - agreed.

delinquent recievables - all delinquent prior year real estate tax receivables should be liened.

Town's response - agreed. Is this being done today in 2016?

Current year issues:

Reconcile tax title receivables - in fiscal 2011 the town accountant established a new general ledger accounts to track tax title receivables in the general, water and sewer funds. Although current year activity was posted to these accounts, all prior year activity remains in the previous generic general fund account. (Could this be one of the "problems"?) We recommend the prior year activity be analyzed and be reconciled to the treasurer's detail receivable records.

Town response - agreed

The above is a partial summary of the management letter for 2011 with regards to recommendations and status of current and prior year analysis.

posted by Jeff Bennett


  1. Anonymous11:02 PM

    I see DHB is at it with her peeps about rescinding the vote. She has never been able to handle her own finances - lost a house- and thinks she knows best about the towns finances.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Diane is one of the nicest woman I have ever met. Why don't you put your name so she knows who you are? You must be a coward to hide behind your computer. It does not matter what happens in her personal life, what matters is what she is doing for the town and I think she is doing great. Your opinion does not matter!!

  2. Anonymous8:41 AM

    ^ Do you have a crush on Diane Brooks? You seem to know a lot about her. You obviously have a hard time writing anything that is not about her.

  3. To anonymous- stop hiding behind a curtain if you have something to say have the balls enough to show your face. Your personal attack on Diane is childish. Not everyone is as perfect as you. Some of us actually try to make a difference. I may not always agree with everything the BOS does but Diane does have the towns interest at heart. Balls up or shut up.

  4. This needs to stop and it needs to stop now!!! If you can't stop insulting people and start helping this town then resign from what ever board you are on now!! I am so sick of watching these meetings and seeing grown ass people complain about people all the time and do not take care of this town we all love so much! I just recently inherited the house I have been living in for 5 years so now I will be a definte long time resident and my husband grew up here and we are sick by what we have been seeing. I see people that need to resign and people that need to stop looking back to the early 2000's. We need to look ahead and fix what the DLS has told us to fix or this town is going to be in even more trouble than we are now. The 2 boards needs to work together to make that happen and if you can't do that please resign and stop the personal attacks now!!!! Kimberly Richard, Baldwinville
