Saturday, September 24, 2016

On Wednesday evening, September 21, 2016, the Advisory Committee took up a motion for discussion. It was about the school and whether we should recommend or propose to Town meeting to rescind the prior Town meeting vote of November, 9, 2015. Speaking for myself, it was from a financial perspective. You would have to ask the other members about their reason or vote. If this question were to make it to Town meeting floor, there would be two options; vote yes to rescind that vote and that would put into motion things to stop that project. A no vote, if in the majority would effectively be a second yes vote for the project, then we could all watch the school be built at the location of Templeton Center. The Advisory Committee did not start any petition. Any citizen is able and free to make such a move and that is our democratic process. If the information given at the first meeting, on November 9, 2015 was correct, proper and not a used car sales pitch, there should be no worry about a second yes vote happening. There is an opening for one member on the Advisory Committee. All you need do is show up at a meeting and inquire. The committee can appoint it's own members when there is an opening 30 days after Town meeting.

It is up to the selectmen to place or not, items on the warrant for a town meeting. The original school vote happened on a special town meeting so there should be no issue for having a second vote on a special town meeting. So before there is a big uproar on this topic, we should wait to see what the selectmen choose to do. That is the first step in the process.

posted by Jeff Bennett

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