Thursday, August 25, 2016

Monday evening, Templeton selectmen were informed that the Templeton Town website has incorrect information on it. Concerning public records and the costs for copies of them. The law was changed in February 2016. It is now 5 cents per page, one sided or two, from the file drawer or a computer printout. Templeton website has 20 cents per copy from the filing cabinet and 50 cents from a computer printout. There are some records which are covered by law as to the cost per page. Do not get taken, if you request a copy, you do not have to fill out a form and it is only 5 cents per page.

The Town cannot charge what the feel like charging.

The main purpose of this blog and my face book page is to provide information, especially financial, and to be as correct as possible. Some people, especially some selectmen, may not like it, too bad.

Templeton has a face book page, although it looks more like a persons face book rather than  Town's and there is a statement on their that goes "we do not put items on here to tell people to vote one way or another, we just provide information." Currently I do not see anything about the fiscal 2016 books, the messed up budget of fiscal 2017, the sewer bills that may not have been paid and on and on. If the claim is to provide information, I think it needs to be updated.

Diane Brooks posted a comment on this blog about being on vacation and she would not be at a selectmen meeting and she would not take part remotely, however, she did call in and did take part remotely. Perhaps this blog had something to do with that, or not. Whatever the case, it is good to see that option be utilized.

posted by Jeff Bennett


  1. If I remember right, you were the first person to attend a meeting of the Select. Board to attend a meeting using skype. I was thrilled, and not only was it historic, it was so good to hear your voice from the "sand box." What I found interesting was the fact that not one word was mentioned about the water tank on Ladder Hill is gone. I feel bad that the powers that are in control, or out of control, (depending how how you look at it,) feel they can neglect to mention things that the public has a right to know, depending on if they feel like it or not. The fact that Ray LaPointe was not appointed was treated like it never happened. I do realize speaking about these subjects in a public meeting would be like opening a can of ants at a picnic, but the people who pay the bills have a right to know.

    1. People also have a right to know that from all appearances, the manager of Light and Water, neglected to secure a loan to replace the water tank, before they took it down. Sounds like a problem to me !! I do have a problem with our Selectmen skipping down the trail, whistling a merry tune as though our financial problems do not exist. The crap will hit the fan for sure when the audits are done. Do I see a happy ending ? Not on your life !! As things are going, the hole we will be in is going to be a hell of a lot deeper, if our "Superior Board" does not zip the pocketbook. This is on them, as Julie Jeff, Will, and I have tried to tell them, but they know better. It will all come out in the wash.

  2. I was able to participate remotely and I didn't think I would be able too. I am on vacation. I came back for the interviews also. It was not because you posted I could do that on this blog as I was already aware of that. I like reading your blog and the other Templeton Watch as well. I'm not a one sided person as some seem to write about.

    I can't remember the last time I whistled a merry tune or skipped though.

    Thanks for the information you provide.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
