Saturday, August 20, 2016

2016 end of year budget versus actual report from the Templeton accountant.

On the revenue section, under motor vehicle excise tax, it shows a figure of $975,000.00 taken in. When you look at the fy 2016 budget revenue projections, it shows a figure of $980,000.00. First glance seems to indicate a revenue shortfall of 5 thousand dollars.  Probably not a reason to walk to the bridge just yet, but something to keep in mind as those ever elusive audits come into play and what they will reveal. Again, as things keep adding up, it could be time to step back and pause, then put the brakes on all borrowing until we know exactly where we are.

As stated in an article in the Gardner News, if Templeton had known the numbers, would they have voted for a police station and new school? That may be the most compelling reason to immediately begin a recall of a few selectmen. It is certainly the time to demand answers from those selectmen. It is time for the selectmen to feel the heat. explain to us how a $1.74 per thousand is going to pay for that school?

posted by Jeff Bennett


  1. After getting burned by the State, when we did not get the money they told us we had for Glady's playground, and had also bought and erected, you would have thought people would have learned ? Do't count your chickens before they hatch ! It does sound to me, our Light and Water officials, along with the School Committee and School Building Committee, think they are on their own planet ? The disconnect is beyond eye popping ? When you think about the many times we have attended the Annual Town Meetings when the "school people" would vote for their articles, then get up and leave, it is no wonder they are unaware of the fiscal condition of the Town ! This behavior has to stop ! Like it or not the Town is like a tree. If the roots, which is the Town, has roots that are not healthy, them the branches are not healthy either ! The school and the rest of the branches are not healthy either ! It made no sense for all of these Departments to try to borrow money when the Town has no bond rating ! what part of that don' t they understand??

  2. Anonymous9:44 PM

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