Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Time to look at the financing that was put forward for the new elementary school in Templeton. The details may cause your head to spin. On a hand out from one meeting is the inclusion of current debt share of Templeton for Narragansett school district. It involves the end of NRSD debt payment from Templeton with the listed amount of $438,073.00. The document along with an article in the Gardner News, indicates Templeton shifting that money after the debt payments end, to use as partial payment for new school, this is an attempt to sell a low tax rate increase for new debt payment. I guess these people do not think Templeton should be able to take that debt payment money and put it toward savings for the Town. Also keep in mind that there will be increases in school assessment for NRSD and monty tech along with health insurance and retirement. Just keep Templeton down and keep sending every penny you have to us, because it is for the kids. I am looking through all the documentation I can find and will begin putting it forward. So you can see the things that you may have missed during the sales pitch by the "hired gun". By the way, on this document, it shows a yearly payment of $1,406,865.00 for a 24 million dollar loan for 28 years. Right now, a dollar on the tax rate raises about $550,000.00, so would $1.74 per thousand raise over one million dollars? NO, so how or where did the $!.74.00 come from? By telling you, the town, that you cannot save anything,

posted by Jeff Bennett


  1. Anonymous8:21 AM

    If the people voted for the school under the assumption the tax rate will go up 1.74. And come later on that is totally wrong and not even close what action can a tax payer take other than just bend over !

    1. I do not know what the tax payers can do, but I know they have been sold the very worse bill of goods they could have been sold. I am very angry that Markel stood there and told the people we were good !! An A rating !! Not on your life. Just more of the same. The SBC should not have put the school on the ballot with out knowing what we would have for money, or even if we would have any. Along with the debt for the new water tower, I do not know how the people with new houses and two or three kids will make it. My guess is they won't.
