Sunday, June 12, 2016

Senate approves controversial housing and zoning bill

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    A divided Senate voted yesterday, 23-15, to approve a controversial housing and zoning bill that would require cities and towns across the state to make zoning changes to create “as of right” multi-family housing districts or face legal action brought by the attorney general or builders and land developers seeking permits.
    The bill would also require “accessory apartments” to be permitted “as of right” and would override dozens of “accessory apartment” bylaws currently in place based on special permits.
    The bill would also subject municipal zoning codes to challenge under the state’s anti-discrimination statue.
    The Senate bill was based on legislation long in the works to modernize the state’s increasingly obsolete land use laws, including planning and zoning statutes. Earlier versions of the legislation were substantially reworked by the Senate Ways and Means Committee to add housing provisions that were part of separate housing-production legislation.
    The Senate bill is now before the House, but legislative leaders have expressed doubt that any action would be taken before formal legislative sessions end on July 31.

    posted by Jeff Bennett

    1 comment:

    1. So why have zoning bylaws? Just throw them all out the window!

      Between the Dover Amendment and these new "as of right" rules looks like a developer can do anything anywhere they damn well please..."as of right!"
