Wednesday, May 11, 2016

from the pages of The Gardner News:

While at the Gardner News today looking for some stuff, I came across this: article from December 4, 2015, Town Administrator Bob Markel said the Town bid health insurance and general insurance to lower cost. How come health insurance went up $78,000.00? Ever get the notion you are being lied to? How about being told what the superior department wants you to hear?

Another interesting article from the snews was this tid bit: December 3, 2015, select board chairman Johnny Columbus said "Templeton Center has nearby athletic facilities available." Does anyone know where these facilities are?

One other item of interest was this:
The current bond for the NRHS district is $480,000.00 and if timing is right, you can roll over the new bond, taking said amount off of the amount the town would be paying per year for the new school.
WTF? So you are already paying this for one debt, now if we keep that increase from before, you will only have to increase new taxes of what was it, $1.74 per thousand. What about the old amount that you were told would come off in 2018 or 2019? 

Keep in mind that the new police station has not been borrowed yet, so it will not be coming off when the new school comes on. You will have the police station debt, school debt, revaluation for Templeton Center area, if you are a water and sewer customer, you have a new water tank to pay for and new sewer betterment charges to pay. Enjoy your supper.

Jeff Bennett

1 comment:

  1. Templeton Center has recreation facilities available ? Oh yes, isn't that when Ms.Haley Brooks said the children could be bussed to Baldwinville ? So, where is the money coming for this?? What mother in Templeton would let her kid go to Baldwinville alone? Only in Templeton can people get snowed, even when it is not winter.
