Saturday, April 2, 2016

The upcoming fiscal year (FY2017) Templeton portion of chapter 90 (road) monies is $335,950.00. This information came to me via an email from state senator Gobi.

According to the latest budget versus actual from Templeton Town accountant, last years portion was $338,351.00 with $394,300.93 having been spent. The BVA shows a deficit of $55,949.93. I suggest you attend a selectmen meeting and ask the members of the board about that.

On another note, it was nice to see the Templeton highway dept. spending time and resources on sweeping sand up when they will most likely be putting more sand down this weekend and next week as winter and snow refuse to leave us. A wise spending of taxpayer money, again.

Jeff Bennett


  1. NOT one person will ask why there is more spent than received. As to where it was spent just ask the TA and get no answer or some long no where answer

  2. NOT one person will ask why there is more spent than received. As to where it was spent just ask the TA and get no answer or some long no where answer
