Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Narragansett Regional Budget presentation to Advisory Board

FY2017 foundation budget per pupil cost listed at $10,309.00

Templeton minimum contribution listed at $4,114,704.00

Templeton's transportation share at      $678,659.00

Templeton's share of debt listed at        $443,879.00
Total of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1,122,538.00


Templeton budget draft from Town Administrator (selectmen) shows
Templeton assessment for NRHS at $5,625,000.00

Assessment for Monty Tech, a completely different school district at $708,882.00.

Just as a curiosity, if one looks at the fiscal 2017 Templeton budget document put forth by the selectmen and town Administrator, line 442 shows NRHS debt as $433,627.00, which in my opinion, results in a $10,252.00 shortfall and I believe we have experience with debt numbers not being correct, as in a budget not balanced, nor correct.

Jeff Bennett


  1. debt is a line item under debt. The additional app of 831381 needs to be added in place of the debt for a total of 5624744 close to the TA 's number

  2. Therein lies part of the problem TAB, lack of detail within the Town's budget document and the mixing of two different school districts in the budget document from NRHS. Now, about that Town by-law that states the selectmen shall refer all articles (other than emergency ones) to the Advisory Board by April 10. A finalized budget would be nice to have with all questions or concerns answered so the Advisory Board could do their duty, make recomendations to Town Meeting.
