Thursday, March 6, 2025

 Templeton Select Board

Town Hall, 160 Patriots Road, East Templeton
Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 6:30 p.m.
1. Call the Meeting to Order & Reading of Statutory Recording Notice

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Approval of Meeting Minutes
a) Approval of Minutes of Prior Meetings: 2.12.25, 2.26.25
b) Executive Session Minutes ~ None

4. Citizen Input

5. Administrator Comments

6. New Business:
a) Introductions of New Employees: Anne Brewer, Administrative Assisstant~Assessor’s Office
b) Appointments: Planning Board; Parks & Recreation Commission; Board of Registrars Re-appointment.
c) Presentation RE: FY24 Green Communities Annual Report (MRPC)
d) Action RE: Per Templeton Select Board Operating Procedures Policy, the removal of Mr. Currie as chair for cause. (J. Bennett)
e) Action RE: Open Meeting Law Complaint
f) Action RE: Consideration of Town Administrator Letter of Resignation
g) Action RE: Possible appointment of Interim TA
h) Action RE: Open Citizen of the Year nominations
i) Action RE: Designation of Special Town Employees (Advisory Committee)
j) Discussion RE: Release of FY26 Budget
k) Discussion RE: TCTV Sustainable Funding Proposal

7. Old Business:
a) Action RE: Request for state audit (T. Toth)
b) Discussion RE: Environmental Impact Statement, RE: Gardner Landfill (T. Griffis)
c) Update RE: ARPA obligations, contracts, and execution of funds (M. Rivard)

8. Board Member Comments

9. Adjournment


  1. Well,as far as I am concerned, agenda items e,f and g have been a long time coming. This will upset some people who like things to look orderly, but in order to make positive changes to our Town Government, change has to take place. We can not continue the way we are. We spend money with no plan, we follow no procedures and continue to make "Templeton's Rut" deeper, every year. I cannot fathom how much money we have lost because of poor management. and a lack of planning in the last twenty five years. I am against replacing the T.A. with anyone in Town Hall. There is no one qualified to do that job. We need to find a professional Town Administrator that has the skill to provide structure and planning to that office. A person that can work with all of the departments and provide strength. Three of our department heads are coming toward retirement. These people have been pretty much on their own. Thankfully, they know their jobs so the Town has not hurt as a result. "The next person up", or Carter's " its a body" has got us where we are, and that is absolutely not acceptable. We need to spend decent $$ on a qualified person. The Town's future depends on it. Bev

  2. Anonymous5:35 PM

    I would like to know the big secrets that apparently are none of the taxpayers' business. What happened to our unqualified "accountant" who periodically flew here from Florida on Town business? What was the root cause of BoS Chair and TA dispute?

    TCTV - nice job showing reruns of 10 year old car shows. There's no news in Templeton.

  3. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Isn't it Great when a Towns Select Board Chairman violates policy, procedure, OML and an Employees Contract in an attempt to reprimand the employee for not violating policy, procedure or any other regulation other than someones hoo

    How much with this fiasco, created by Mr Currie cost the taxpayers of Templeton. We are in the middle of Budget season and the eguy who created the budget is resigning do to the burden of spending his salary on legal fees to defend against unjust oversite.
    According to paperwork filed Mr Currie tried to present same complaint on Februray 12th, but presented to late to make agenda then He tries to sneak it in on Februrary 24th saying on video, we recieved a complaint on Monday, well February 12th was a Wednesday two weeks prior to the 24th which was Monday when Mr Currie presented it.

    Policy, Procedure, Bylaws, State Laws, Contract Law, these are but pesky problems for other people, not Mike Currie. Seemingly He believes He is special,well, He isn't!

    Like I requested during a BOS meeting this past fall. Mike Currie needs to go. I also have a problem with the other two members who voted yes. Apaarently niether one of them understood thier obligation under the Contract issue either, nor the OML violation

    These are our Town Leaders......, C'mon
    Robert May
