Wednesday, March 12, 2025

 No one had a problem back then, but was anyone going against a push for override?

October 18th 2019 

Sept. 19th, 2019, the advisory committee had a discussion, motion and a vote about the town having a need for an ad hoc committee in regard to the town's financial constraints within the current education yearly budgetary increases. When a town only has the ability to increase revenue based on a 2 ½ percent and consistently the school budget is being increased by 9 percent. In the past and present this has caused the town to make cuts in order to fund the total amount requested by the school, above the minimum contribution. In the long term for the town, we as the advisory committee feel that an ad hoc committee should be created to look at a comparison of municipal school finance versus continuing in the current regional school finance. Giving the town the ability to gather needed information to see what the best education solution would be to lesson these education budgetary increases. Regional School district investigation and comparison.

 As a committee look at the current Massachusetts laws to make sure the town is utilizing all its avenues in regard to the towns allowed roles within the process of being a district member. 

  Do a cost comparison of other regional districts similar in enrollment size. 

  Committee should take a look at the current regional district agreement, recommendations on any changes that could help curve the yearly school budgetary increases. 

  Projection of 5 and 10 years of growth and costs to the town if the current regional district is continued.  Research into what state laws could be changed to give the town a break on these increasing educational costs. Municipal school district Investigation and comparison. 

 Research if there is currently a way for the town to be able to sever its ties to the regional school district. Costs associated with changing the towns education from regional to municipal. 

  Do a cost comparison of local municipal school districts 

 Research costs of the town removing elementary school from the current school district.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Just like many other tings in Town. Very important in the moment, but once its momentarily resolved we move on, nobody cares until the next Crisis.

    We Jump from one to the other an back again..........One crisis in funding to the next without a plan, without an inventory without clue.

    Example of what I see s a problem.

    In 2019 we knew Main St Bridge needed major repairs. At the time the estimated costs was $1.8 million to $2.2 Million.
    We were suppose to havee the 75% design complete by Aug 2020 to apply for a grant Carter had determined we hd a reaally good shot at.
    Then Covid comes knocking. We get $2.4 million dollars from ARPA funding. Guess what the first thing discussed was........not the Main St Bridge, nope that sat around for a couple more years decaying while the Selectman and Administrator went on a shopping spree.
    Then when all the money is gone we remember the Main St Bridge and ask the taxpayers for an additional $4million debt exclusion ( after asking for a blank check)
    Now we need an override or a chunk of Staabilization money just to balance budget.
    Wait, rather than be a benefit to the town, we'll most likely use the proceeds from the sale of BES to cover budget ( more one time money).

    We really need to stop digging, we are up to our preverbial eyes in budgetary issues.
