Friday, March 7, 2025


Templeton town administrator resigns, citing hostile work environment: A 2-minute read

Portrait of Sandy MeindersmaSandy Meindersma
The Gardner News

  • Templeton Town Administrator Adam Lamontagne submitted his resignation citing unfair treatment and privately incurred legal bills related to his employment.
  • Lamontagne claims he is being unfairly targeted by the Select Board and is unable to perform his duties due to a pending hearing against him.
  • Lamontagne maintains he acted in the best financial interests of the town and its taxpayers.

Citing privately incurred legal bills, an upcoming hearing about a complaint filed against him and several other complaints about his performance, Templeton Town Administrator Adam Lamontagne tendered his resignation.

In a letter dated March 4, 2025, Lamontagne stated he had incurred $2,616.20 in legal bills due to his employment and that he considers it "unfair" and "not right for any employer to do this to any of their employees." The letter continues that Lamontagne has always acted in good faith looking out for the taxpayers and residents of the town.

Lamontagne's last day in Templeton will be March 17, according to his letter. This represents two-weeks notice to the town of his departure.

The letter also states Lamontagne previously had to defend himself from an unfair evaluation during his previous review, and that a previous Select Board had sought but failed to hold a hearing against him. Lamontagne also states that the pending hearing is being used as a weapon against him by the board and that he is unable to perform his job duties.

According to MassLive, the complaint against him was filed by Narragansett Regional School District Superintendent Christopher Casavant.

Lamontagne is quoted by MassLive as saying "It was for the finances of the town. My job as chief financial officer is to make sure the budget is balanced and doing my fiduciary responsibility, I have due for the taxpayers of the town."

The hearing is scheduled for March 18, according to MassLive.

What is Adam Lamontagne's experience

Lamontagne was hired by the town in 2018 as a management fellow, later promoted to Assistant Town Administrator, and became Town Administrator in 2020. He is the town's first full-time town administrator.

Lamontagne previously served on the Chicopee School Committee and City Council, but left the council to become a police officer in the city, although he returned to public administration before joining the force.

What's next

The Select Board will consider its next steps at its Wednesday, March 12 meeting, according to the agenda. In addition to considering the town's next steps regarding a town administrator, the Board's agenda includes an open meeting complaint and a request from Clerk Jeffrey Bennett for Chairman Michael Currie to step down as Chair.

Currie was chair when Lamontagne was hired. He has also service on the Advisory Board and Veteran's Advisory and OVersight Board, according to his LinkedIn page.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

 Templeton Select Board

Town Hall, 160 Patriots Road, East Templeton
Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 6:30 p.m.
1. Call the Meeting to Order & Reading of Statutory Recording Notice

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Approval of Meeting Minutes
a) Approval of Minutes of Prior Meetings: 2.12.25, 2.26.25
b) Executive Session Minutes ~ None

4. Citizen Input

5. Administrator Comments

6. New Business:
a) Introductions of New Employees: Anne Brewer, Administrative Assisstant~Assessor’s Office
b) Appointments: Planning Board; Parks & Recreation Commission; Board of Registrars Re-appointment.
c) Presentation RE: FY24 Green Communities Annual Report (MRPC)
d) Action RE: Per Templeton Select Board Operating Procedures Policy, the removal of Mr. Currie as chair for cause. (J. Bennett)
e) Action RE: Open Meeting Law Complaint
f) Action RE: Consideration of Town Administrator Letter of Resignation
g) Action RE: Possible appointment of Interim TA
h) Action RE: Open Citizen of the Year nominations
i) Action RE: Designation of Special Town Employees (Advisory Committee)
j) Discussion RE: Release of FY26 Budget
k) Discussion RE: TCTV Sustainable Funding Proposal

7. Old Business:
a) Action RE: Request for state audit (T. Toth)
b) Discussion RE: Environmental Impact Statement, RE: Gardner Landfill (T. Griffis)
c) Update RE: ARPA obligations, contracts, and execution of funds (M. Rivard)

8. Board Member Comments

9. Adjournment

Sunday, March 2, 2025

 General Laws Chapter 55 governs the raising and spending of money for ballot questions as well as political candidates. The law also regulates the conduct of public officials and employees undertaking campaign finance activities. In general, the law regulates conduct not speech. Thus, while local officials can take a position on an override or exclusion question and speak in favor of or in opposition to it, they cannot spend public funds or use public resources, such as personnel, supplies and facilities, to promote or oppose the question

 Have questions about the school budget? This is your chance to have your voice heard and learn more about the budgeting needs of the district.

We look forward to seeing you.
Thursday, March 6 at 5:30 in the KIVA (NRHS)
This is the official preliminary budget hearing.
Thursday, March 20 at 5:30 in the KIVA (NRHS)
This is the official budget hearing, including vote by School Committee members.
All registered voters in Templeton and Phillipston get a vote in how town funds are spent and it’s important for your voices to be heard! Please join us!