Saturday, January 18, 2025

 January 24, 2024, Templeton selectmen vote, by roll call vote, 5 yes, 0 no, 0 abstain to lower dispatch cost for Phillipston, there by shifting higher cost to Templeton residents. Later, they also voted to use $20,000.00 from E911 grant funds to cover general fund expenses as well as give $5,000.00 to Phillipston from E911 grant funds. So, when you agree to give money away, do not come to me later to complain you need more people, which requires money to pay for them, after you agreed to give money away. You made the bad deal, live with it.


  1. You're right ! I've got to give it to Phillipston's people, whom ever worked out this agreement with Templeton, you made out very well ! Now, how long is it going to take us to pressure the School Department to go ! The town does not have a current contract with them. They paid not a dime to build that school, remember !! When that gets too crowded, does anyone think I will pay for an other one ? Think a out it !

  2. Anonymous11:53 AM

    My personal belief is that we gave phillipston a deal because the Chief is desperaate to keep dispatch in Templeton as they act as part of an office staff.
    This also allows for the constant request for more Officers which is a joke. Real crime rates are down all over the country.

    All dispatch positions would be officer positions and we would have 1.5 officers per 1000 residents. Right not the present set up seems to allow the Chief to only count officiers not disptch

    Why do we have 9 cars for 9-10 officers? Everyone taking a car home? Why do we need 9 cars in that department while theyy dump the used cruisers on other deprtments which save the town no money on maintannce as was the plan.

  3. You would think our Town Administrator would ask these questions as part of the budget process. But then again, someone would have to be aware that there was a plan in place to trade in cruisers to avoid high maintenance. When expectations are low, you get poor results. Unfortunately, we pay for much more than what we are receiving. We do not have the Federal Budget funding the town. We are not in the Army. Right, we HAD a lot of money ! People in this community will pay for the ignorance of a few, sadly.
