Friday, August 30, 2024

 Town finance 101.

MA state law allows town to budget for/with 100% of real estate taxes.
In a perfect world, you collect 100% of taxes, Iam still looking for the perfect world.
End of year financial report shows Templeton collected 98% of property taxes. Report shows DOR approved budget of $13,526,437.00 and town collected $13,225,600.68.
Report also shows the town budgeted local receipts at $1,966,744.01 while it collected $2,599,046.96.
Of those 2.5 million dollars was motor vehicle excise tax @$1,356,007.49, the rest came from other taxes, I mean fees.
Dog licenses came in at $29,699.00.Clearly there are alot of dogs in town or dog owners are getting fleeced at 20 bucks per license 15 bucks if fixed.

Perhaps town should be looking at costing out spending of town (your money) do better at revenue estimates using financial history. Advisory committee spend less time trying to reinvent wheel on meeting minutes and look out for residents thru finance reform in Templeton. As one resident at recent retreat stated, rather than looking at how to spend money, look at how to save money, which in reality means if youcan save some over there, you free it up to use over there. The first and most important part is how spending those dollars benefits residents! More equipment or sidewalks? I am still waiting on that "emergency" culvert work on Whitney Street to happen. I no longer wish to hear lack of staff. If you cannot do it, hire it out to benefit residents! Show me results before override!

1 comment:

  1. The local receipts is planned underestimating or done by incompetent manager.
    The local receipts is a planned shortfall when estimating or they really are bad at thier jobs. $632,302.95 over on an estimate is 32.1% underestimated. That's the best our staff can do?
    This is the TA and Chairman padding the budget.

    What was the estimate for fy25?
    Excise tax estimate $1,250,000 which is only 92% of what we collected this year.
    Should we all expect reductions in our excise taxes, I doubt it but it more money for our management to blow a quick glance, don't hold me to it, but it looks like they lowered the a
    Local taxes estimate from last year to around 1.1 million......

    They always look to cover up the overspending and remember a debt exclusion and override are planned for this year.......

    Time for new managers!
