Friday, April 14, 2023

 Templeton town meeting May 2023.

article 5 - Amend town bylaws, revolving funds, community services revolving fund.
1. Asks to change name of revolving fund from community services to Parks & Recreation fund.
2. Asks to change who is authorized to spend from this fund, from community services director to director of public service / chair of parks & recreation or one commissioner voted annually.
#2 is the bad part and should not be approved in my opinion. The Parks and Recreation commission have powers per state law, as to parks and there should not be people from other departments having the ability to spend from a revolving fund. This is where money collected through activities of Parks and Recreation and they should be the ones who have authority to expend from fund, as they are a multi member body and as such, before funds are expended, it should be by vote.

Please look at other revolving funds that pertain to a multi member board or commission:

Recycling revolving - authorized to expend = board of health
Burial and improvement revolving fund - authorized to expend =cemetery commission.

If the DPW director (now director of public service) is not authorized to expend from burial & improvement, then he should not be able to expend from parks & rec revolving fund.


  1. I personally have a problem with this entire item.

    I think it's great the added activity at Gilman, the sports for the youth of Templeton, but as an entity they are out of control.

    Why is our Park and Recreation Commission meeting with and making arrangements with a none Town entity, namely the NRSD School District? In the quarterly report they state the Commission met with the NRSD School Committee. No meeting posted, no agenda, no minutes, no authority to do so.
    How are vendors being Chosen?
    Who are we purchasing gear from?

    Who is operating and using the Tractor/groomer that is town property, bought for B&G but used and stored at Gilman by Recreation now.

    Does Parks and recreation have a budget to manage and maintain Parks and recreation, NO, this is Templeton, we do things half arsed.

    This entire process has been a reaction to the town realizing how out of touch they had become with the Recreation Department and how it was being run. This was partly Templetons fix to control at Gilman Waite because none of the Selectman was willing to follow the Deed.

    I'll vote yes not because I agree, but because I want them organize this in the same messed up way the balance of our town is set up...............

    Why do something right when you can do it like Templeton!

  2. Good Citizen2:34 PM

    why aren’t all public meetings broadcast? Did Templeton purchase of the equipment to broadcast all meetings live at Townhall?

    as a taxpayer, I would like to see the outcome of these offsite meetings with the school department. Who should I contact about getting the meeting minutes from these offsite meetings?
    with this equipment that Templeton purchased does this fall under the open meeting law violation? Equipment was purchased for the soul intent to broadcast all open meetings in the town of Templeton to create transparency, correct? There seems to be a lot of meetings behind closed doors that we don’t see us taxpayers.

  3. We are moving back to the limited access, limited documents of old. You can see Mike, Holly planning Capital on off days that TCTV dont record. Mike,Tim and Adam are limiting public information in my opinion because they are so incompetent they constantly get rebuked.
    Holly has never liked the public knowing anything........and it shows in agenda

  4. Anonymous10:40 PM

    When I sat on the Advisory Committee, I did request that they resolve the questions surrounding the Gilman deed. Adam was suppose to discuss it with the attorney. I have yet to see a follow-up.

    As a matter of fact I stated a few things during my time on the committee that I have yet to see resolved. Bob, I agree with you in regards to there be no follow-up or accountability.

  5. Anonymous10:43 PM

    I, April Cover wrote the above. I’ll work on figuring out how to identify myself. 😂
