Wednesday, April 26, 2023

 A taxpayer asks for some public records from town of Templeton, electronic at that.

He gets a response from the town administrator, paraphrasing, send me $105.18 and you can have those.

Residents provide the money to buy paper, printer ink, pay for copiers and computers, pay the employees and when you ask for some records, you get a bill like that. First thing that comes to mind is we do not keep good records in town hall. Second thing comes to mind is town does not want to give the public it's records, do this by putting up a financial block to it. Perhaps this is another way of paying for the budget, another fee or tax. Yes, I know the law states the town can do this, but the secretary of state recommends give records for no charge. It is called service to the public, transparency, accountability and all that. Payback is a bitch and budget and financial transfers are the way to pay em back, as in deny them at town meeting.


  1. I sent this letter:

    I would like a copy of the receipts,list of payments for the 10 sets of Bunker Gear, 10, Helmets, 10 sets of boots for FY 21 and FY 22 as shown in the budget book. These items are again requested in FY 23 and FY 24.

    I would gladly accept a itemized printout of the paid items from the Treasurer (signed) if that is easier on your system then a physical search

    I will leave it up to you to decide how best and most affordably, with as little disruption to your staff as possible, you can demonstrate in writing that the items budgeted for in these years were actually purchased.

    Thank you,
    Robert May

    I was then told it would take 6 hours , which made me remember the suggestion from DOR regarding "centralized Purchasing" is Incomplete. "Generate receivable controls" Incomplete
    Purchasing has still not been centralized.
    Department heads and committees handle their
    own purchases of office supplies and other
    miscellaneous items.
    ▪ Department heads utilize the state’s bid list to
    procure items, and the town administrator
    relies on them to seek three bids for larger

    Why are we doing, paying, all these software updates if it takes six hours to find out what was purchased under 1 account.

    If the Town Administrator responds to my second request I will then decide on how to proceed. Money is not the issue. Transparency and restrictive/protective practices the limit info to the taxpayers

  2. Good Citizen8:40 AM

    The increased lack of transparency between is getting increasingly worse!!! The chair, who is basically a puppet to the vice chair(who supports the THIEF who was found at fault by the State for stealing money from our town is the chairman of our advisory committee) part time member Richard who only shows up to meetings when its has to do with her personal agenda for Scout hall, again another elected official not held accountable for the financial questions about that town owned empty building, and Tree Hugger Terri who every time she speaks the power hungry vice chairman over speaks her and beats her down. The we get to the Captain of ship Adam who is in so deep he can’t even lie to the public without his voice cracking! And finally his, please someone educate me on how on earth and when did Holly become the assistant town administrator???? Last i knew she was basically the secretary, then bang administrative assistant to the TA and in the cover of darkness assistant TA who has the power to make decisions for this town when Adam is hiding from meetings? She is not a resident i believe? Served on the town of Athol BOS for a time? How does this happen?? Is she the next TA in line for Templeton when Adam packs up and leaves town because he has Templeton heading down a path of financial disaster!
    I am very sad to see Jeff’s time on the BOS coming to and end. He is a stand up guy that gives a crap and is not afraid of the other tyrants on the BOS to remind them to adhere to polices. He was the 4-1 guy at many meetings, was does that tell you? Good luck Jeff you will be missed! Please attend town meeting and voice your concerns, opinions and remind town government we the people run the show at the end of the day!

  3. I just watched Adams review from last nights BOS meeting.

    Check it out! A couple things to look for..................
    @ 2:12:41 of BOS meeting on 4/27/23

    @ 2:13:16 of BOS meeting Tim mentions rating method.

    1= unacceptable
    2= needs improvement
    3= meets expectation
    4=exceeding expectations
    5= Outstanding

    2:14:37 of BOS meeting

    Adam was rated by the Board in the "matrix" at 1.75 and we are told that was "Meets Expectations", What about for those of us who live outside the Matrix, could you please explain how (1.75 = 3<4)

    To me as a viewer and member of the taxpaying public paying a 1.75 Unacceptable rated Town Administrator $100,500 per year plus expenses is a bad "Program/Selectman" and should be removed from the Matrix! but they all may apply at B&G! or any Committee they choose or find!

  4. Good Citizen5:22 PM

    The chair uses the don’t hurt the feelings scale. They rounded up!!!! I think its time for the TA to pack up, put the house in the backbay on the market and head back to western mass to screw up that area. Fall will be very interesting if he chooses to stay?

  5. GC- I guess its the old explain this chart, use this chart without explanation...............Managing Employee "Satisfactory" in a public forum and what do we suppose the results from the staff will be?
    I'm sure they are going to have more respect for Adam, right?

    This would have been far less damaging to employee relations (IMO) if it had been presented in a more organized instructional method. Instead we get a Board looking have embarrassed and half guilty for doing their job (if you feel they did)

    Please dont get me wrong. Adam needs a wake up call at least, possibly relocation, but the entire town staff could have used a wake up call. Two birds with one stone. Instead we get garbled info and insulted staff

  6. Good Citizen4:28 PM

    Jeff, meeting minutes from executive session if the BOS votes to not release them to the public at this time are they still considered public record and can they be requested through a public record request through the RAO?

  7. UPDATE:

    No need to get the front end information because again, this administration has diverted the surplus or just lied to me about what has happened to the previously purchased gear the taxpayers are being told we purchase every year when we do not!

    This is Adam response regarding the surplus from the 60 sets of Bunker gear, helmets and boots. Please be aware that about $50,000 was allocated for this gear in 2024 buying 10 sets. 60 sets has a value of roughly $300,000 that taxpayers have been billed over past years that just didn't happen..........Adam D. Lamontagne
    Robert May

    Mon, May 8 at 7:22 AM

    Mr. May,

    The Fire Chief got back to me and they use it for the junior firefighter program. Therefore, no surplus.

    Adam D. Lamontagne, MPA, MCPPO

    Town Administrator
