Wednesday, March 29, 2023

 From email on 3/16/2023:

Please see the email that I received from John Jeffress, Demolition Coordinator for 10 Pleasant Street.
Demo of 10 Pleasant Street - project status:
Electric, gas, cable, and phone services are disconnected and letters have been received from the providers.
Water and sewer lines will be exposed for town to cut & cap next week or the week after, weather depending. Dig Safe ticket is valid, Town Water and Town sewer will mark their services after snow melts.
Asbestos work was scheduled for this week, but has been put off until next week because of poor weather conditions. That work is estimated to take 2 full days and your hygienist is on board to come inspect when our crew is finishing up.
With the water and sanitary lines cut and capped to DPW’s satisfaction, the asbestos finished and inspected, and the rodent treatment report that the town will provide in hand, we’ll be ready to apply for a demo permit. As we are working for the town we expect a quick turnaround on the permit review. Once we get the permit in hand we will mobilize to town, and our estimation is 5-6 days of demo, load out, and backfill.
John Jeffress
Demolition Coordinator
Associated Building Wreckers, Inc.


  1. I look forward to the ways the Administration abuse the demolition fund.

    Nice to see one hazardous building being removed! Nice work pushing this along at the end Mr. Bennett

  2. Buildings and Grounds: Cleared out shrubs at 10 Pleasant Street for demolition prep.

    Shrubs not included in demo?

    1. Seeing the demolition project calls for back filling the lot after the work is done, it does seem a huge waste of time and $$.

  3. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Another waste of time and money from our Highway Super.What will they be doing next washing the windows.

    1. Good grief ! Don't give them any ideas. 😂
