Friday, November 4, 2022

 So, does anyone think it might be time to require licensing of cats, if for no other reason than to aid animal control officers, so called animal shelters and just reglar people who may find a stray cat. I personally once had a dog in my yard, very friendly who met me when I came home one night, I thought he was just passing through, but when he was still here the next morning, curled up by the front door, I gave him some water and food and checked his collar for a license, called the number on the rabies tag, found who owner was and brought the dog home to them. They were thankful for that. I could not have done that without license information. Since records show that as of June 30, 2022, Templeton raised over 37 thousand dollars from just dog license fees, while there was a budget request of less than $800.00 to purchase said licenses along with postage and cards, I believe the fee for a dog or cat license could be reduced, by way of town meeting vote, to lower cost to no more than 5 bucks. We just pick a dollar figure and that would be that. One can expect push back from many municipal figureheads on this citing loss of revenue, ah, those fees help pay for animal control officer (which would be pure poppycock) The animal control officer costs are covered within police department budget. To show both sides, money to cover town operating expenses, including the schools, come from 3 basic places, real estate taxes (taxes) state aid and local receipts, which dog licenses are part of. The catch is, fees, are supposed to be set to cover the cost of a service only provided to those who use it. Not everyone owns a dog, but everyone can call animal control, so why penalize or make dog owners pay for animal control? After all, the meals tax was sold to residents and business alike as going to pay for capital, when was the last time you saw an article at town meeting for capital paid for by meals tax revenue, which according to records, was 67 thousand dollars for fiscal year 22, which goes from July 1, 2021 until June 30, 2022. (you can see this information for yourself by going to town website, click on find it fast, click on R, then reports and presentations, then reports and scroll down until you see quarterly finance and look at fourth quarter fy2022, open that and scroll down to page 23 and look for meals tax) When we go to vote at town meeting, we need to understand what is being asked of us and when we are told money is not part of taxes or this program will be for this, we need to know the real deal; CPC money is tax dollars, just not raised by way of the tax rate, it is a steady 3% surcharge (fee or tax, however you wish to label it) and it is shown on your real estate tax bill.

1 comment:

  1. Holy Crap....... Gotta say, never thought we had around 1850 dogs in Templeton.

    Do we know how the Administration determined that $20 figure other than the straight from their Ass?
    Even giving them 5 minutes per transaction is only about 4 weeks at 38 hrs a week. So take 4 weeks of the Town Clerk salary, costs of ACO officers contract then divide out the costs of the ACO truck over its lifetime and whalah They are raising

    Just depends on what is allowed to be included in the expensing side of the law.

    I would love to see the Meals Tax directed towards something tangible.......Rolling Capital, or more importantly towards building maintenance.

    I heard a member of the admin get up and mistate facts at town meeting more than once and they've never been held accountable. We dont believe in accountability in Templeton
    I think I heard someone state CPC mandate Recreation and Historical, thats it..........completely missing Community Housing which seems very odd since so does Templeton.
    We put $17,500 aside a couple years ago to start a fund for money for exactly what was mentioned..........The administration has apparently been sitting on it. Like most things in templeton. They sit, languishing until someone bitches hard.................(things are so much better).

    Stone Bridge
    Scout Hall
    Gilman Waite
    Grange Hall
    Historical Society
    Town Hall
    Main St Bridge
    Hamlett Mill Bridge -not getting better
    Police Station

    It's not a money issue, or it wasn't along the way. Most of these projects will cost much more than original estimates cause of the lax attitude of our Administration. Main St Bridge was estimated at 2.2 Million on high end in 2019. Think we are over 50% above that now and we are at 25% design. We were suppose to have 75% design done in August of 2020 (Things are so much better)

    CPC is a 3% tax on property owners the Town uses to violate rules, regulations to pay local slush money local contractors..............
    These funds have requirements and certain people on the scoreboard since 2015 or so dont understand that fact.
    The project was pulled from that parties control previously for overstepping boundaries, but the new UNIC Admin went limp when confronted like most times before.

    We are almost $60,000 into a $50,000 project and we find lead. Yup, in a CPC funded project under Historical Use. Did you see the list of thrown out ruined items during the process.
    I say go take a look, bring friends, but 2 parking spaces would be a 100% improvement...........

    Have at it................we are circling the bowl people..............
