Sunday, October 23, 2022

 In case you missed it, upcoming special town meeting set for November 2,2022, article 5, rooster bylaw, states in part: contains between 2 and five acres where the sale of products produced from the agricultural use generates at least $1,000.00 per acre annually.

Whereas MA general law, chapter 61A, section 3, states: Section 3. Land not less than five acres in area shall be deemed to be actively devoted to agricultural or horticultural uses when the gross sales of agricultural, horticultural or agricultural and horticultural products resulting from such uses together with the amount, if any, payable under a soil conservation or pollution abatement program of the federal government or the commonwealth total not less than five hundred dollars per year or when the use of such land is clearly proven to be for the purpose of achieving an annual total of not less than five hundred dollars from such gross sales and program payments within the normal product development period as determined by the farmland valuation advisory commission established pursuant to section eleven of this chapter. In cases where the land is more than five acres in area, the gross sales and program payment standard above set forth shall be increased at the rate of five dollars per acre except in the case of woodland or wetland for which such increase shall be at the rate of fifty cents per acre. No reason to reinvent the wheel or the law, unless you are an attorney looking to increase revenue to your wallet.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely hate this part of the rule.................

    Why is it more acceptable about being bothered by Roosters if my nieghbor makes $1001 dollars from it? NOTHING!

    I refuse to accept any law that gives more benefits to a farmer because he makes money! A farmer feeding his family deserves all the same rights and privileges if not MORE!
    This give more RIGHTS to a dollar bill than a human.............
    Earning money does not justify ruining my peace and quiet unless we are talking about profit sharing,wink-wink, but someone feeding their family is not someone I want to make things harder for these days.

    Has anyone suggested some of the ways to quiet roosters without eliminating them.......
