Sunday, November 7, 2021

 In case you missed it, at town meeting held November 3, 2021, it was stated by member of advisory committee that advisory is the only group who works for taxpayer, the only group who looks out for them. Why was there an item under article 1 for $4,500.00 to pay for road repair, because advisory had already voted against a transfer from town reserve fund, which they oversee per MGL. in advisory reserve fund transfer, one criteria for approval is To approve a transfer request, "the Advisory Committee should be of the opinion the request would be approved by a Town Meeting." Well, the spending of $4,500.00 was approved by town meeting vote (original reserve fund request was $4,000.00) Advisory was wrong in their conclusion that the taxpayer money was not needed and town meeting would not approve. One conclusion of this situation could be advisory (at least some members) are out of touch with town residents.

Also, as a result of article 4, amend town bylaw regarding advisory committee, it was made public that advisory had been discussing things outside of a public meeting and appeared to be trying to convince a town elected official to do their bidding, that is deny appointing a town resident to advisory because either advisory members do not like the resident, did not trust resident or whatever combinations of reasons they came up with, the committee was still talking amongst themselves on how to keep a resident off the advisory committee, even as it is touted as the only group that works for residents, interesting view, work for residents, looking for volunteers and when volunteer residents come forward, advisory tries to find ways to keep them off based on what? Time for some serious changes?


  1. It is unfortunate when the Board of Selectman cannot read their own policies or follow the recommendations of the DOR:

    Overall, TAB recommends that communities adopt a free cash policy that avoids supplementing current year departmental operations. By eliminating the expectation of additional resources later in the fiscal
    year to backfill budgets, department heads will produce more accurate and realistic annual appropriation

    Look at Financial Management Policy B(1) and see all the spending allowed at Fall Town Meeting of free cash...........

    Due to their inability to read or follow policy over the past 5 years they keep changing the policy.B(1) They are doing this again this coming week.Why? Maybe because they cannot or will not follow them and decide to berate another committee violating the BOS policy and procedures.......

    But our Board of Selectman doesn't practice good policy so instead they blame Advisory.

    Advisory should have kicked Article as not complying with policy of the Board of Selectman. When those items were brought to the Board the figured throwing shade on Advisory would do exactly what it did..........get all the town employees at town meeting (50% of crowd) to support them and blast advisory cause they are used to being conned to by Selectman

    No Accountability. Just misinformation and blame..........thats our SelectBoard

    1. Kinda how I looked at the situation. Until our last T.A., I had never heard of "backfilling" a budget. A budget is something a person follows, kinda like a policy. If you make crap up as you go along, and no-one says anything, or knows any better then it is legal. Lol If people cannot plan ahead, then change the policy. Gee, I wonder how happy the D.O.R. will be ? On yes, there will write a report no-one will pay attention to. That works.

  2. Just to ad........this is from Templeton Financial Management Policy

    The service offerings contained within this budget shall be proposed with sufficient and appropriate staffing, professional development, material, and equipment and facilities that are well maintained and operating within their useful life spans as is deemed necessary for a quality offering of the service addressing statutory, regulatory, safety and community expectations. Expenditures shall be realistically budgeted and estimated revenues shall be conservatively budgeted to allow for unanticipated events. The balanced budget presented shall include the estimates and assumptions behind the revenue estimates utilized in preparing the proposal

  3. well i think you should read what a M.A.A.O and I also feel reading the ethics committee and rules and procedure should be view , reason why is because that employee who was given a high five award , for the collection of taxes may be doing so in violation of the so called Massachusetts association of assessing officers the web page is for MAAO is promoting H 2905 which is really copy of chapter 59 section 5 71 D including NOT that right they want to check every abatement of all the old . of course the languish presentment is a zealous quest to pick the pockets of the old outrageous as it is NO town should vote to include it as that must happen . the town meeting must be attended by us all

  4. I wuld also like to be vocal on any gift moneies come into the town by federal coffers of credit be used to pay off debt like the school ect and not used for projects like bridges which is taken up by the state , the state has 20 billion given to them by federal coffers and more to come , be wise and spend the credit on bills of credit ,wake up before its too late , be one of the winner not debtors

  5. the pandemic will not be over for many years their is only one true vaccine its your own anti bodies The cov -19 it shall stay for years & years their is already 7 mutation which are just the beginning the state of Massachusetts just order mask again till March as did the federal government , the virus can stay on floors on card board for up to 7-10 days and does travel in air hangs their up to 20 ft , new deaths are on the way , I have had 7 people in Massachusetts die of COV - 19 i knew
