Sunday, October 31, 2021

 Annual Town Meeting on May 12, 2021 - article 22, town meeting voted to keep current budget format, which is not a line item budget. Advisory Committee recommending the separation of articles appears to be an attempt to push selectmen (whom control the warrant) towards a more line item format, which the people have already voted, on multiple occasions, they do not want. If an advisory committee has done it's job, their recommendations and report (again, required by town meeting vote) would provide an explanation to town meeting on all articles, in enough detail, that there would be few, if any questions on what is being proposed and town meeting being asked to approve. While the current chair of advisory does a good job of trying to keep the committee focused and on point, it is also up to members to speak to the subject in front of them. One of the stated reasons for the existence of an advisory committee is that it is hard for the average citizen to keep up with all that goes on in their local government, so we have the advisory committee (we are required by state law to have said committee) which is suppose to inform town meeting of all that is before them at a town meeting. The responsibility of selectmen is to call a town meeting with a properly posted and executed warrant. According to town meeting times, the warrant does not have to contain verbatim language on what town meeting is to vote on. That is one of the reasons we have an advisory committee, to provide a detailed explanation to town meeting on what they are being asked to vote on - my opinion on this is if the Advisory Committee does their job and does it well, there is no need to break articles down on the warrant, advisory will have done this on their report to the meeting, now that would be working for the residents / taxpayers.

So, as a private town resident, who in another time, serves and has served on a few town boards / committees and as a private resident who tries to keep up, article 1 asks town meeting to transfer funds (money) from free cash to various departments so work can be done for the benefit of town residents. Increase in money to pay for heating in town owned buildings, to pay for software program to aid elected cemetery commissioners in managing the town's cemeteries ( no longer efficient to do things the same way as 100 years ago with a typewriter) They would no longer have to rely on just paper records. So, elected commissioners come up with a plan and a cost and pass that onto a town department which carries out the physical part of the plan and passes it up the chain to the manager of the department, DPW director, who passes it along to the town administrator who in turn brings it to the selectmen, who approve town meeting warrant. Article 1 also contains 2 more transfers of funds to help cover costs of work that was not planned and unknown at the last annual town meeting. The two items directly benefit residents, traversing the town roads. A 4th item in article 1 covers an increase cost (can you say inflation) that was not foreseen when town budget was before the last annual town meeting - painting of lines on a road way and I do not now about others, but sometimes, especially at night, those yellow and white lines on the road are very much relied on for a travel guide, not to mention informing drivers where it is legal to pass or not, where the turning travel lane is, etc. See, rather than a critique on how selectmen present warrant, advisory could work for the people and provide a clear explanation on each article; after all, how does the complaint aid you at town meeting?


  1. To Bad the Board of Selectman in proposing the warrant can't follow thier own Finanical management policy! Do you see anything pointing to the use of free cash at the Fall Town Meeting in the following instruction for the use of free cash.....(from Financial management policy)
    Upon certification of the Town's free cash, the Town Administrator shall prepare a plan of its use
    to guide the expenditure of free cash. He shall, first deduct an amount anticipated to be needed at
    the Annual Town Meeting to meet unanticipated operating deficits such as snow and ice and the
    annual capital budget. He shall then deduct for extraordinary or unplanned needs which have
    arisen since the annual town meeting with a target of having a remainder of no less than fifty
    percent of the certified free cash. The remainder shall be, subject to rounding factors, used for
    contributions to reserves and as working capital for the balance of the fiscal year, provided that it
    shall be available for appropriation for capital needs at the annual town meeting, as follows:

    The Select board likes to say the Advisory this or the Advisory that, but the Select board doesn't follow it's own policies then tries to blame Advisory for pointing it out...........

  2. One answer to your point on use of free cash "He shall then deduct for extraordinary or unplanned needs which have arisen since the annual town meeting" software arose after town meeting and town election when a quorum of cemetery commissioners came to be and they looked at wat they feel needed to be done, issues with roads, same thing, since the annual town meeting. Also, Advisory Committee, I commented on, failed to explain in their report to town meeting, the articles. Also, what is working capital for? Is it intended to be used or just sit there, on the books, much like many special articles? According to the MA division local services municipal finance legal bureau, you should not plan on creating deficits, such as advisory suggested when the town administrator asked advisory for a transfer from reserve fund; advisory response was , there is now plenty of money, spend it on things not planned or budgeted for and if there is a deficit, you can come to us. Sounds like planning for a deficit to me, which goes against DLS best practice. Advisory Committee, accept there is no line item budget, you do not get to manage the budget by way of the reserve fund and you do not get a column within the budget book to try and create a line item budget. Put forth better recommendations and town meeting will be better off.

  3. "with a target of having a remainder of no less than fifty
    percent of the certified free cash." is how you proposal ends and I still see no mention of use at FTM?

    I think working Capital can be spent at Fall Town Meeting. The problem is that Article 14 technically is the approval of "Working Capital" and you spend working capital prior to having any in this WARRANT!

    Both the Board of Selectman and the Advisory Committee apparently fail to understand the policy they are suppose to follow.

    Just because

  4. Bottom line, from my view as a resident, in the instance of article 1, the report to town meeting points finger at selectmen rather than giving a clear explanation to town meeting on the items within the article, that, in my opinion, is not a solution, it is part of the problem and my 2 cents is it indicates time for change. Note, in recommendation, actual wording is "The Committee recommends to the town that in the future they please separate all
    items being asked for funding. EX: Building & Grounds, separate increase in
    heating costs and Cemetery Commission software subscription costs.

    1. As a resident I look at it like this. If 1 of the 4 items in the Article is not justified the entire article needs to fail.
      The Board would then be held accountable for throwing in lousy policy (not having all elected officials salaries voted on as law requires) and blaming the failure of such article for not funding town clerk per se..........

      Playing the sympathy card for poor governance should always fail!

  5. I read earlier you talked about Advisory recommended deficit spending........Just did it again here and the Board of Selectman presented them with a warrant asking to deficit spend based on their policy.

    Article 1,11,12 all ask for spending of "free cash". The only "free cash" the Financial management policy allows to be spent at Fall Town Meeting is "working capital" which is created along with the deposits in Article 14.

    How do we spend money before we have appropriate it?

  6. Lets just say on the off chance item 14 isn't we have "working capital"?

    It appears to me to be directly tied to the allocation of monies to stabilization in FMP B(1).

  7. First, what does the FMP state? Regarding use of free cash - Upon certification of the Town's free cash, the Town Administrator shall prepare a plan of its use to guide the expenditure of free cash. He shall, first deduct an amount anticipated to be needed at the Annual Town Meeting to meet unanticipated operating deficits such as snow and ice and the annual capital budget. He shall then deduct for extraordinary or unplanned needs which have arisen since the annual town meeting with a target of having a remainder of no less than fifty percent of the certified free cash. The remainder shall be, subject to rounding factors, used for contributions to reserves and as working capital for the balance of the fiscal year, provided that it shall be available for appropriation for capital needs at the annual town meeting.

  8. There is no mention of fall town meeting, or any other special town meeting, any town meeting outside of the one required annual town meeting. The spending of free cash for an unplanned or unforeseen event or item could just as easily happen in January. So, the policy states first deduct any amount anticipated for deficits that might come about at ATM, then deduct any amount for unplanned events that may occur after ATM, then, what ever is left over, you take 50% for working capital and 50% for reserves. DLS shows Templeton free cash at $1,447,997.00, so as policy reads, take off top, (first deduct amount anticipated for deficits at ATM, then deduct for unplanned items which have arisen since last ATM) whatever is left over, take 50% for reserves and 50% working capital. So, articles 1, 8, 11, 12 are unplanned since the adjournment of last ATM, seems like it checks with FMP.

    1. So, articles 1, 8, 11, 12 are unplanned since the adjournment of last ATM, seems like it checks with FMP.

      This is total Horseshit and you know it! The loader was pre annual town meeting,and nothing about treasurers money, BES or for that matter EMD fit the extraordinary or unplanned " nature required........

      as someone once said, "Your piss poor planning does not constitute an emergency on my part!"

    2. 2/4/21 weekly report shows
      As I mentioned last week, I was informed by the DPW Director of H-20 2017 Volvo
      Loader needing a transmission replacement which would cost roughly $52+/-k. I listed 2017 in
      error and it is a 2014 Loader

      Please tell me again how you are following the plan??????

    3. Oh, the Cat catalog in the budget book (pg 265) under capital might hint that it was pre annual town meeting last yr to.........

      This is a major screw up, over site on management!

      This old man can still read.........

  9. Now, it is early, but if we began with $1,447,997.00 and articles 1,8,11,12 = $337,347.00 and that is deducted off the top, leaving $1,110,650.00, 50% = $555,325.00 for working capital for rest of fiscal year and equal amount for reserves, minus the $355,000.00 the town is being asked to pay itself on November 3, 2021, there should be $200,000.00 possible available for reserves come next ATM. Remembering that the financial management policy also states the town will strive to have free cash certified in time for use at fall town meeting, to cover certain one time capital items, emergencies and unanticipated expenditures, remembering that the $4,500.00useof free cash would not be on warrant if the advisory committee had approved transfer request from reserve fund. Regarding free cash, FMP and fall special town meeting, again, seems like we have followed policy, even as you may disagree with it. And no, the policy is probably not perfect, but what in government is and yes, disagreement in government is always good, it is one of ways we can have improvement.

    1. But it is not deducted off the is deducted after deducting for capital budget and deficits like snow and ice........In your example you show that you are not following the FMP......You have no deduction for snow and ice, nothing for capital ($550k or so lately) so please go back to the drawing board and figure out the we do disagree on this puppy.

      He shall, first deduct an amount anticipated to be needed at
      the Annual Town Meeting to meet unanticipated operating deficits such as snow and ice and the
      annual capital budget. He shall then deduct for extraordinary or unplanned needs which have
      arisen since the annual town meeting with a target of having a remainder of no less than fifty
      percent of the certified free cash.
