Friday, December 18, 2020

 Rant for the day - so far.

Templeton Town by-law state information for the required annual town report is to be submitted to the selectmen office by January 31 - not February 17. Since this report is mandated by town by-law and state law, any report of a town board, committee, commission or department should be published as submitted, no shortening or editing, other than grammar, date corrections. For instance, if a committee uses the format of a previous FY and forgets to change the FY number, fix that, but if it is 10 pages, well, the whole 10 pages gets printed and the town pays for it, per MGL. But Jeff, not enough money budgeted to pay for that large of a report; well, take what is needed from so called free cash or ask advisory for a transfer from town reserve fund. It is fucking simple people, town hall, you got that?


  1. The Annual Town Report is the only report of the work that has been done by the individual departments, and boards, including the business that was completed at Town Meeting during the fiscal year. As Jeff has said, there should be no shortcuts in reporting this to the taxpayer. Included should be the salaries that are paid to the people who are employed by the Town. It is your money, you have a right to know.
