Monday, September 7, 2020

Why a public hearing for engine brake use?
Because you (town meeting) passed this:
On a motion duly made and seconded the town voted to amend the General By-laws by inserting a new Article LVIII, Engine Braking, as follows: No operator of a diesel truck shall use engine braking (also known as exhaust braking or Jake braking) while operating a vehicle on a public way, where such use is prohibited by the issuance of a Traffic Order by the Board of Selectmen after the holding of a noticed public hearing, in the Town of Templeton except in an emergency. Whoever violates this bylaw shall be punished by a fine of One Hundred Dollars ($100) for the first offense and Three Hundred Dollars ($300) for the second and subsequent offenses. The owner of the vehicle may be cited in lieu of the operator.

Passed by hand count of 50 yes and 47 no on May 15, 2019.

1 comment:

  1. I drove by the complainants house a week or so ago at 11 am in the morning. According to the complaint the owner cannot have a conversation on the phone without going down cellar, etc.........
    When I drove by they had windows open on the roadside of the house. Not exactly the behavior of someone bothered by noise outside.
    This party also bought the house in 2007 which would have allowed them to know that the area has had truck traffic for decades.

    We have to be responsible in what we do. The Complainant didn't do their research when buying a house and now wants the town to make a roadway unsafe for others while assisting a person not willing to close windows to limit noise.

    I vote NO.
