Tuesday, August 18, 2020

For The Athol Daily News
Published: 8/18/2020 5:38:34 PM
Modified: 8/18/2020 5:38:27 PM
PHILLIPSTON — The Selectboard and Finance Committee last week voted their recommendations for each of the eight articles that will appear on the warrant for the upcoming special town meeting. Most of the articles dealing with routine town business were recommended for passage with little or no discussion. Such was not the case, however, regarding several related to the town’s relationship with the Narragansett Regional School District.
Most discussion, and a fair amount of disagreement, was generated by Article 1, which calls for the town to fund a portion of the FY21 school district budget.
At the annual town meeting in June, residents voted to fund the district to the tune of $1 million — well short of the $650,000 recommended by the district’s school committee, and more than $200,000 shy of the amount the state has set as Phillipston’s minimum contribution.
“I’m going to recommend the original number of $1,646,239,” said Selectboard member Kim Pratt. “That’s the requested number now — that’s been certified — and at the Special Town Meeting, as we’ve done before, it can be discussed and changed, if so desired.”
Pratt then made a motion to recommend the article with the amount she suggested, but the motion didn’t go far.
“I don’t agree with that, so I’m not going to second it,” said fellow board member Gerhard Fandreyer. “I think we should stick with the $1 million figure and let them change it on the town meeting floor.”
“I think that’s irresponsible, Gerhard,” Pratt responded. “We know that’s not even the (state mandated) minimum contribution. There’s been a one-twelfth budget set that we know we have to pay ...”
“There’s nothing in Chapter 70 or 71 that says we have to pay that minimum amount,” Fandreyer said, cutting Pratt off mid-sentence. “It only says we have to go to a Special Town Meeting if we don’t agree. There’s nothing in there that says each town has to have that minimum amount. So, until you find it and show me exactly where it says that, I’m not going to agree to that.”
“I know the Commissioner of Education has set the one-twelfth budget,” Pratt said, when getting the opportunity to continue, “and I believe that is what we are going to have to pay until Dec. 1, at which time — if we haven’t set a budget — the commissioner will set a budget.”
Pratt then said she stood by her motion, with Fandreyer insisting he would not provide a second.
Fandreyer then motioned that the board should approve the inclusion of the article on the warrant, minus any hard figures for the voters to consider until the article is offered up for consideration on the floor of the town meeting. The motion passed 2-1, with board Chair John Telepciak voting in favor and Pratt opposed.
Then came the Finance Committee’s turn to consider the article.
“Alright, guys,” said FinCom Chair Tom Specht, “what’s your pleasure? How about a motion that we recommend the article; and let’s try with a sum of money.”
Committee member Ruth French moved to recommend the article, including the figure of $1,646,239.”
Specht explained that the article will appear on the warrant as recommended by the Selectboard; minus any dollar amount. Below the article summary, however, voters will see that the FinCom recommends passage with the amount sought by the School Committee.
The committee ultimately voted 4-1 to approve French’s motion.
Both boards voted, each unanimously, to make no recommendation regarding two other articles, placed on the warrant by citizen petition or request.
Article 2 is a non-binding resolution which, if passed, instructs the Selectboard to move — as soon as possible — to pull the town of Phillipston out of the Narragansett Regional School Distict. Templeton and Phillipston formed the district in 1955.
Article 6 asks residents to take a vote of no confidence in the NRSD School Committee.
Each committee also voted unanimously against placing an article on the warrant which would have reduced the salary of the Town Treasurer.
The final four articles of the seven that made it onto the warrant are considered general “housekeeping” matters.
The Special Town Meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m., Aug. 28 at Phillipston Memorial Elementary School.

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