Monday, June 8, 2020

The question:

Bennett, Jeff
Thu 6/4/2020 6:12 AM

  •  Adam D. Lamontagne;
  •  Terenzini, Carter;
  •  Hall, Derek
So, we have a plan for town meeting, what is it and where is it? 
We have a plan for town meeting, so what is it? Masks required, special seating for people without masks, indoors or out doors? greeters, seaters, lines going to be apart, separate entrances for non voters/town employees, seating for selectmen, microphone procedures, where is the plan?? Plan on how to deal with people without a mask (I will be one of those) voting rights, constitutional rights, civil rights (3 X penalty for civil rights violations) 2 weeks away and I see no plan laid out anywhere. In one location or several, plans for assistant moderator, walkie talkie for different rooms, zoom, closed circuit, which one? So far, I see no real plan, I see no real communication with the people on how this will go. Lexington, which has a representative town meeting had the most people show that they have had in years, 193 members out of 198 plus residents who can speak but not vote. Also, do we have ADA plans for outside event, rain date, bathroom procedures. We have only had 3 months to do this.


The answer received:

Hall, Derek
Thu 6/4/2020 2:27 PM

  •  Terenzini, Carter;
  •  Bennett, Jeff;
  •  Adam D. Lamontagne

  •  Harris, Carol;
  •  Wiita, Laurie

Thank you for your input and questions. All of these issues have been addressed when we got together and discussed the upcoming town meeting. As discussed in the past I am not getting into an e-mail war with you or anyone else about this. A plan in writing will not be presented to Laurie and she does not have to approve or review anything. The town did relay through a CODE RED message on 06/02/20 about wearing a face mask and social distancing. I may put something in writing about safety suggestions but basically, I am trying to keep the town meeting planned as usual keeping health and safety precautions in mind for all people attending.

Thank You,

So Templeton, during our situation, declared a health emergency by state department of health and here in Templeton, the Town Meeting moderator does not intend to confer with the Town Health Agent in any planned gathering of Town residents to conduct Town business. Got that, a health situation and totally fli off the Town Health Agent. Awesome!

 Templeton By-law voted in place by the people: § 22-19
Town website.
[Added 5-12-2004]

The Board shall designate an official Town website, for the posting of Town business, and provide for its maintenance, security, and improvement through a specific budget line item in the fiscal year following passage of this article. There is a $2,500.00 figure in budget for the Town's web-page, why not use it, as the people voted for it.

1 comment:

  1. Is anyone truly surprised? Having a plan would require "doing something" of which we know Templetons history.
    Our "plan" for the budget is , Do nothing proactive and wait till the Fall and ask for Stabilization money to cover their lack of action.

    Our "plan" for the meeting is ......Crickets

    We pay these people to manage. Is this management or lack of/.......... 3 months to plan and we've failed to do so.

    Fail to Plan and you Plan to Fail.............
