Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Something perhaps relevant to Board of Selectmen Meeting - Templeton


  1. I think it diabolical That the Templeton municipal Light and water plant ( TML&WP ) change their policy on line 1-9 to remove the meter info uses to state This < a meter shall be furnished and owned by TMLWP **** This statement is aline with current law which says under MGL ch 164 sec 119 " NO CHARGE for the meter or other similar purpose covering any portion of 12 consecutive months in connection with supply of gas or electricity for domestic use only shall be made by a corperation , other then a municipality , furnishing the same ***

    the new policy , is of 1-2 pg The policy under metering says " TMLWP shall install at the sole expense of the electric customer bi permitting- directional metering capable of registering electricity flow both delivered from and received by TML&W system then said customer shall be billed based on rate applicable to the electric customer,s class of service , also very interesting is
    NO liable clause above Metering , claiming no responsibility to others as a result of their energizing ?

  2. consider these new policy where not introduce to the selectmen or public I knew of no hearing open to the public just like the meter and easement issues throw down written up as policy without public and why ? are they wording this this way ? I know do you ?

  3. The reason why the TML&W wrote customer that cause property damage , loss , injury , or death to any party is not TML&W problem that such customer shall be bill as to customer class of service , is because TML&W all commercial billing service in templeton zoning districts like Residential 2ac zones ,

    Their is pending legislation one SB # 1988 which cements ratepayer rights , however the reconstitution act for municipal cooperation is very strict as to profit and to whom , ratepayer are favored over all , we do not have this , understanding and the select-board should hold a public write in over these issue while the pandemic is on going

  4. also form 4 by AG office is form that must be sign by the clerk
    number 1 says
    [Quorum} indicate number please write "0" if the town has no quorum requirement ?
    further states ;
    A quorum was present at this town meeting , including any adjounerd sessions thereof according to our town charter or by law our quorum requirement for town meeting is ( zero 0 ) registered voters

    now this is not the case , we have no charter nor a by law which give a number lower to a quorum in fact we must look at the town by laws art 2 section 17 Town meeting times is general guideline for all procedures of town meeting . their is 4 motion consider in the adoption then amended 10 15 82 , for quorum so, NO-thing or act nothing in fact has been done recorded or voted to remove the understanding of a quorum which is also their in open meeting law so our town with 61 so called voters out over over 1000 can hold the meeting if no one show up as to zero and their is no motion in town times book to state you have to vote a quorum in to have one ,

  5. The point of town meeting is to make sure their is enough town members voting public present , other wise the town is being run like a charter government without voice or protection of people ( this is why i raise this issue and was informed we have no quorum / people would say how many is that ? no one comes ? quorum is the tool for the public to stop such meeting if the public does not show then the meeting can not be , this reserved the right to the people , we all are being scan in my opinion , if the people do not show then no vote is fair . the town thinks that keeping it zero allows for everything to get done . passed . ots frighting to me to think this is even legal and no one has written to the AG sec of election , and i have yu would be shock to hear what they say >

  6. last please consider the source . TML&W department statement on realizing a profit on this new system when jeff asked question . j wis they charging for meters and read them and power and have no UL safety stamps on meters the meters are intrusive if it burn down your house because they fail TML&W written they have no liability no insurence to cover YOU and their exempt form your damage you call this a municipality ? they even claim in then out then in of being a cooperation yet they failure to file with state is on going , where is the select-board on this Please answer me . please remember it was I who brought up this smart meter issue they called it AMI replacement when asking for information on safety and UL or users agreement no information was provide yet you have to maintain their meter . ? my finger is sore i have to stop

  7. you have my permission to shear with anyone
    \ SRDF
