Thursday, June 4, 2020

From: Bennett, Jeff
Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2020 6:12 AM
To: Adam D. Lamontagne <>; Terenzini, Carter <>; Hall, Derek <>
Subject: town meeting
So, we have a plan for town meeting, what is it and where is it? 
We have a plan for town meeting, so what is it? Masks required, special seating for people without masks, indoors or out doors? greeters, seaters, lines going to be apart, separate entrances for non voters/town employees, seating for selectmen, microphone procedures, where is the plan?? Plan on how to deal with people without a mask (I will be one of those) voting rights, constitutional rights, civil rights (3 X penalty for civil rights violations) 2 weeks away and I see no plan laid out anywhere. In one location or several, plans for assistant moderator, walkie talkie for different rooms, zoom, closed circuit, which one? So far, I see no real plan, I see no real communication with the people on how this will go. Lexington, which has a representative town meeting had the most people show that they have had in years, 193 members out of 198 plus residents who can speak but not vote. Also, do we have ADA plans for outside event, rain date, bathroom procedures. We have only had 3 months to do this.



  1. Fail to Plan and you Plan to Fail..................

    We do this all the time in Templeton. It's almost like a plan if we keep repeating it......

    1. BOB you and i might have file a complaint as to holding of this meeting is not complied withg the acts 2020 chapter 53 under the state emergency
      please call the governor 617 - 725 -4000 everyone , also call the new papers theirs no press anymore no reporters answering phones for stories the whole system is screw down useless

    The town moderator and selectmen , and heath agents is who allows town meeting about you see the town moderator has not doing this GET IT .

    The law above see section 2, gives the town moderator full face and freedom to conduct town meeting as long as and town heath as well selectmen consider public safety , The Covid -19 can not be effectly prevented by Mask , or distance , over even washing your hands and their is no cure yet town shall hold meeting vs economic over LIFE considering the virus rules the day it can live on many things like floor even the mic for days

    The town persona under this law sign by governor can terminate deactivate the town meeting place all on hold even state debt due to the state emergency the whole system is junk I called the press worcester and gardner news NO ONe Home no reporters in Please consider this as ones driving it forward are the town meeting can be used as a

    strategically indifference of lack of voters ( 0) no has to come and they can hold the meeting vote it as those going too , They feel its voluntary to vote , This is problem of their mind set this is why i put quorum upon the warrant as question those who fear the virus who do not come are choose life over town economic its not voluntary decision , when the above law allows Time It should come to understand but , the people controlling it who am sure issue no written responding to their approval This means IT means such parties are out of control allowing meeting places all at risk for economic reason , This is evidence that no one cares to stop it for heath reason they think strategic advancement of even less people will ensure their voting position . IF anyone of town people its citizen die due to this meeting who shall be accountable how shall we even know , Those who all feel its voluntary to vote failure in that mindset puts us where we are today , out of control I want to say its well not voluntary to have vote in unsafe place That is unfair risk , that restriction of our rights to vote placing us in damage zone while under a state pandemic This is insanity . i would love to see the public health who have been consulted and conform to the approval their signatures i like to see who thay are ? who stand up people ?

    Massvocals spread this all over


  3. The answer to this execution of meeting is in last moments it is cancle move to another date untill it can be done safty wise as this meeting lack any documents form any BOH or
