Thursday, March 12, 2020

Massachusetts Municipal Auditor Accountant Association

MMAAA canceling annual education program scheduled for March 16-18, 2020

Date: March 11, 2020
Given the evolving and intensifying developments and the Governor’s State of Emergency over the last 24 hours regarding the Corona virus the MMAAA Executive Board voted unanimously to cancel the MA Municipal Auditors and Accountants Education Training Program scheduled for March 16-18 at UMass in Amherst.
To all of our registered attendees and members, we want to thank you for your patience over the last week as we monitored the ever-evolving situation and tried to make the best decision in the interest of all of our members.  We also appreciate the patience and understanding of all of the speakers and teachers who are essential to making the conference a success.
Members will receive 100% of their registration fee refunded to them and do not need to call UMass to cancel.  However, all members who have reserved hotel rooms including the Campus Center must call and cancel.
The exam will be postponed to a future date.  Members registered for the exam will be notified when a new date is determined.  Exam takers with partial credit will be granted an additional year to pass both sections of the exam.
Also, any members attending this year to maintain their certification will be granted an additional year to do so.
Thank you all for your understanding given this highly unusual situation.
MMAAA Executive Board

from the Town Administrator weekly report, March 12, 2020:

Administration & Finance Town Accountant: My first week back after medical leave has been very busy. Nichole did payroll and the warrants, she also continued to work on the ethics compliance for the town. I completed the February Monthly reconciliation. Nichole, Cheryl and I interviewed for the assistant town accountant position and chose a candidate. Carter met with our choice and offered him the job and he accepted. His projected start date will be April 1st, pending the pre employment screening. Attended the staff meeting on Thursday before heading to Hubbardston. I heard this week that our School for the MMAAA has been canceled due to the Corona Virus. The only time to take the Accountant Certification test was at this School, so I will have to wait one more year to test, wanted to make this clear for the citizens that are interested and concerned about this.

1 comment:

  1. Is this new "hire" certified ? I should hope so.
