Saturday, February 22, 2020

The hits keep coming; latest in Templeton, Town of, the ole Ethics Commission come a calling; where are your required by law Town employee/volunteer committee members/elected reps paper work? Required once elected/appointed/hired to take online ethics training and print out or submit certificate of completion, signed receipt of conflict of interest law summary and signed receipt of Open Meeting Law material. Elected/appointed peeps suppose to complete this within two weeks of that. Apparently, the required material has not been collected and forwarded as required by law. I have copies of my certificate and receipts, signed of open meeting law and conflict of interest. I turned them into town clerk, but it is the town Ethics Liaison who is responsible to forward these items to the big state agencies. Gots to do the job, as no job is finished without the paperwork!
Consider this a public service announcement on the operation of the government you pay for. I try very hard to always be on the job, but if I am not on point, I let you know, as the saying sometimes goes; "the cover-up is usually worse than the crime/deed." In this case, it would be lack of carrying out the job/deed.

1 comment:

  1. Amanda Suzzi7:47 AM

    Jeff - where is the town charter with job descriptions? Where is the compensation and care plan?

    There is a lot the town should do.
