Sunday, December 15, 2019

You might not hear this from a selectmen meeting because the board of selectmen representative to capital planning, selectmen Richards, has been absent from many capital planning meetings.
One proposal on the table is for highway to trade in excavator towards purchase of new backhoe. Trade in allowance for excavator listed at $85,000.00 (it cost new in 2014 at around 200 thousand) quite the loss (it was bought new by way of trade in of old excavator and chapter 90 money or commonly known as road funds) My thought on excavator was it was dumb move on part of selectmen to approve purchase of excavator in first place.
So, now , you the taxpayer and hopefully town meeting attendee, will be asked to decide if this is a good move or not.


  1. According to Bob S.(DPW director) it's used 6 times a year. He states nothing in town is dependent on having the excavator.
    The only item that can be done with that and not the proposed rubber tire excavator are some sewer lines that are deep. I remember Bud stating that when talking about the need for for 20' depth of (something box) to protect guys while doing 1 particular spot in town(please feel free to correct). When asked Bob S replied He wasn't going to send staff down that deep and would contract that out.
    I seem to remember a discussion along these lines with Alan a couple years ago. I believe the same idea was on the table then, but the value of the excavator was stated to be around $140,000- $160,000. How much will it be worth in 2 more years???

    It's a hard number to swallow when you look at the original costs 5-6 years ago. Will it ever be better? It will be up to the people of Templeton to decide.

  2. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Jeff - Why is there 27 acres owned by the library on South Rd (across from #623)?
