Saturday, December 14, 2019

What is the school district? What is PMES to the town of Templeton? What is the regional district agreement? What is the lease between Templeton and the school district? All of those are a cost to the town; as in finance, budget, taxes that have effect on Templeton, town of and who is charged with fiscal oversight, who is fiscal watchdog of Templeton? Who is charged with advising Templeton, Town of, as well as Town Meeting on whether any agreements, leases, spending or budgets are good for the Town? 

I believe the answer to the latter is the Templeton Advisory Committee. So my question, as a resident of Templeton, is why can't Advisory Committee begin looking in to all of those things, in depth and bring a report to Town Meeting? Yes it will or might require more effort, more work and time and more than a couple meetings per month, but to me, that is their responsibility to the town. If members are unwilling or unable to do so, perhaps there is need for change.

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