Sunday, December 8, 2019

Recent audit presentation; appears Templeton audit firm is cutting back on expenses, contract for audit services listed as $28,000.00 per audit, yet neither the management letter nor the audit report itself is in any type of binder or cover. Management letter has a paper clip and audit report has a spring clip on it. Maybe it was a rough year.


  1. I thought the DOR suggested that we hire a different audit firm every few years ? Why do we have this company again ? Oh, yes ! Now I seem to remember, another one of Carter's deals. Before we send our accountant to monitor our other departments, how about she get her own work done. Where is that debt schedule any way. Bennett, forget the three year term, you may have to be a Select an for life. Lol

  2. Whats the problem????

    I would like the Administrator or the BOS to explain why we are going with 10 years of Roselli and Clark (Auditors) when DOR suggests otherwise????

    Why should the Administrator, BOS determine who audits them? Maybe the Audit firm should be hired from the Advisory Committee..................

    1. Anything would be better than what the Town is doing now. I want the truth ! Not a farce that has the ability or possibility to bite us in the ass again.
